This needs to be addressed in a class, I know. Unfortunately I’m not able to get to one anytime soon. These are a few screenshots from some video I took yesterday, which I haven’t figured out how to post. I’m still having issues with losing sight of the target. 100 yds
rifle is 30-06 right at 14lbs all in, no brake, in bell and Carlson long range hunter stock shooting 168 TMKs at 2920ish. Crosstec XXL squeeze bag. I have done what’s been said on here: raised the bipod some, move the rifle way inboard, pull tight to my shoulder. I believe I’m having trouble isolating my bicep from my shoulder when I tighten up to pull.
I can keep my sight picture only if I trap the rifle with the bipod straps on my mat. I don’t mean preload the bipod til it breaks, but just barely enough to keep it trapped. When I slide in front of the straps, the rifle doesn’t hop like it used to, but it slides to the left, off target (on high mag) haven’t tried low mag.
I included a target I shot this morning doing some seating depth experimenting. All shots taken with bipod in the straps of the mat. Far left group, rifle shifted slightly left, had to reposition slightly. Next 4, better focus, and the muzzle finished slightly raised (1moa). The shot out of the group was a different seating depth, seeing how forgiving my load was. Right 3 shots were .003” further from lands. Muzzle ended up slightly raised, similar to 2nd string. Interesting that velocity of the first three shots was 26fps slower avg than the following 7, which had SD of 6fps. Small sample I know.
Any diagnosis from these pictures and description? Any way to post videos without using You ube?
rifle is 30-06 right at 14lbs all in, no brake, in bell and Carlson long range hunter stock shooting 168 TMKs at 2920ish. Crosstec XXL squeeze bag. I have done what’s been said on here: raised the bipod some, move the rifle way inboard, pull tight to my shoulder. I believe I’m having trouble isolating my bicep from my shoulder when I tighten up to pull.
I can keep my sight picture only if I trap the rifle with the bipod straps on my mat. I don’t mean preload the bipod til it breaks, but just barely enough to keep it trapped. When I slide in front of the straps, the rifle doesn’t hop like it used to, but it slides to the left, off target (on high mag) haven’t tried low mag.
I included a target I shot this morning doing some seating depth experimenting. All shots taken with bipod in the straps of the mat. Far left group, rifle shifted slightly left, had to reposition slightly. Next 4, better focus, and the muzzle finished slightly raised (1moa). The shot out of the group was a different seating depth, seeing how forgiving my load was. Right 3 shots were .003” further from lands. Muzzle ended up slightly raised, similar to 2nd string. Interesting that velocity of the first three shots was 26fps slower avg than the following 7, which had SD of 6fps. Small sample I know.
Any diagnosis from these pictures and description? Any way to post videos without using You ube?
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