At least for Euro shooters , this might be the ticket over custom action builds . from what we could see and handle at the IWA show looks like Anschutz struck gold with this.
Kind of necroposting here, but Creedmoor sports has one or two and ANA has one more left. We just got the first shipment to the US. The one we have at the shop is a 6mm Creedmoor in the Carbon gray chassis.
At least for Euro shooters , this might be the ticket over custom action builds . from what we could see and handle at the IWA show looks like Anschutz struck gold with this.
Kind of necroposting here, but Creedmoor sports has one or two and ANA has one more left. We just got the first shipment to the US. The one we have at the shop is a 6mm Creedmoor in the Carbon gray chassis.
They are very nice rifles.The trigger is essentially a 5018 scaled up for a center fire and can be adjusted as a single or 2 stage with the turn of a screw. There are some things on the drawing board to make it more appealing at least to me that may roll out I the next 8-10 months.