Anschutz 64s


Dec 5, 2020
Ok, so full disclosure - newish to shooting In general, been having a blast shooting Tikka T3x in 308 but Cant afford to shoot that often because of price and availability of ammo. So I was looking around To find something 22lr and found a used Anschutz 64s for sale and then saw some videos where they were really shooting accurately. I can get this one used for around $850 But I wonder if better to get a tikka 1x for less if I can find one? Or Wait and spend some more money on a
Vudoo v-22 if I can find one? Again, I’m new so not a great shooter- I need to get my basics down and practice more which I love doing.


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Its been a while since I looked so I just did. The t1x that are in stock right now I am seeing them around $500 mark. The ones for $450 seem to be out of stock. Another thing I learnt is that some dealers will show $500 and then say something like add to cart for best deal and that is where you can get it down for around $450.

For learning the mechanics, shot execution and more just about any gun will do that for you. Even a $250 Savage Mark II FVSR should get you mighty close to 1/2" @ 50.

That Annie should be pretty nice but I've seen used 64's go for even less than $850 on the used market so I am not saying its a bad deal by any means but its probably not a fantastic deal that you can't pass up. They are nice and have nice triggers specially if it has the two-stage trigger in it but the single stage is nice too. I think you'd be quite happy with the Annie though.

One that @Kisssofdeath turned me on to back a couple years ago that you can find for near that price is the Styer Zephyr II (brand new) which is a mighty fine and beautiful gun with really good accuracy. That is if you are a right-handed person. I am a lefty and there is a ridge that runs along the other side of the stock that isn't good for lefties. It can be lightly sanded down though.

Vudoo's are going to run you at least twice as much as the Annie 64's on the used market but I am one that will say that if you can swing the money, I'd sure get one and not look back. When you shoot it, you'd know it was you with the issue and not the gun if the bullets all don't go through a single ragged hole.

Another one I really enjoy if you like autoloaders is the Kidd Supergrade.

There are a number of 22LR rifles on the market now that will guarantee 1/2" @ 50 or MOA @ 50. Don't forget the Bergara. Its next on my list.

I think you only need to decide if you want a premium gun to start out with or something cheap to learn everything and later buy you the really nice one.

If you bought a Vudoo and decided this shooting sport wasn't for you, you could always sell it quickly and for a good price.

I just haven't had great luck with CZ's since they moved to the 455 series. My 452's are great. But there are many of folks that would whole heartedly disagree with me and have had different results. They also have a cult following. I belong to that cult as long as they are 452's.

You have so many choices. Don't forget the Bergara.

Everyone is different and have had different experiences but for me, if I had 8 or 9 hundred dollars to spend, I'd get the Tikka, put a good decent scope on it and go at it. If money wasn't an issue, the first gun I would buy is the Vudoo.

I do like the Annies as well. Currently have a 1761 which is a really fine shooter. Its not quite up to par with my Vudoo though. Any that Styer and Annie are really close in my liking.

I will stop, I can go on forever and you will get some guys on here that are much more adept at giving out some good advice and opinions.

Good luck with your search.
I would get the most expensive/best gun you can afford. Even as a new shooter, I want to know if the group doubled in size because of my bad fundamentals or because of the gun (or the ammo). At least remove the gun as a variable. I drove myself nuts trying to figure out if I was causing the big groups with flyers or other factors. I buy a gun for "life" so I don't mind spending the money. If I was getting an Annie, I would look at the 54 action. But, for the sheer availability of stocks, triggers, etc. I would get a R700 footprint gun, Vudoo, Bergera, etc. I love my vudoo. Don't shoot much since most of my shooting was fiddling with the gun trying to get it to shoot well, before I got the vudoo...vudoo shoots awesome out the box, so no fiddling required.

Good luck finding quality 22 ammo.
I would agree with texasrimfirenut in that the price is on the high end of the scale for a used Anschutz MPR. Check GunBroker for going prices on all sorts of guns.

Decisions on a 1st rifle can be challenging. The more you think about it the greater the challenge is. Texasrimfirenut did a good job of pointing out a lot of scenarios that could play out in your decision.

EddieE is right too, but only if you are coming in with deep pockets and money to burn. I don't know "100%" of anyone who has come into rimfire shooting, new to the hobby and start off with a $3000+ rimfire rifle. Unless you just have a lot of what I call "spot cash" , in my mind it wouldn't be a wise choice, economically to spend that much money, and you wouldn't need to. I'm in no way whatsoever telling you how to spend your money, I'm just looking at it from my perspective. In the end you have to have confidence in what you are shooting. Whether that be a $250 Savage or a $2500 Anschutz or anything in between.
If you plan on getting into the BR game (ARA. ABRA outlaw class or PS150) that 64 with the BR stock should serve you well with a decent 2pc rest set up for a starter rifle to see if you like the game or not. Ammo is a problem for RF just like it is for CF. I have a 64 MPR I use in ABRA outlaw class, but mine has the beavertail forearm, not the wide/flat forearm as pictured. I use a rider plate and it works well IMO. I'm competitive and win a few cards, but have not won any matches yet. LOL
That rifle pictured looks like an anschutz SBR (short barrel, benchrest stock). Anschutz north america usa sold out of those 64 action rifles about 4-5 years ago with a msrp of roughly $1100. It is the lighter 64 action, not the arguably more desirable 54 action that is heavier and retails about 50% higher. Also, anschutz is no longer making the 64 action, replacing that line with the 1761s that are completely different. Anschutz can be a bitch for spares on non current production rifles.

That rifle is designed for 50 yard benchrest competition shot off a one or two piece rest. Can’t remember if it has a magazine or is a single shot feed. Getting another stock is a very expensive proposition and 64 and 54 action inlets are not interchangeable. Anschutz mags are extremely expensive, dated stamped steel design, and suck ass for quick changes during competition. Anschutz makes fantastic squirrel and silhouette rifles. For other competition there is probably a better fit from another brand.

you really need to tell us what you want to do with rimfire.
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Anschutz mags are extremely expensive, dated stamped steel design, and suck ass for quick changes during competition.

Just for anyone considering the 64 action replacement - They've partly addressed this with the newer 1761 mentioned. They're still very expensive, made from stainless steel now, seem decent quality and are very quick to swap. If fact I don't think you'd swap mags much quicker on a gun - extend your trigger finger forward to the mag release and the mags just fall free. The front of the trigger guard forms a guide and the new mag slides in easily. Can do it with your eyes closed. But - they need to be quick changing because the only mag available is a 5 rounder.
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Ok, so full disclosure - newish to shooting In general, been having a blast shooting Tikka T3x in 308 but Cant afford to shoot that often because of price and availability of ammo. So I was looking around To find something 22lr and found a used Anschutz 64s for sale and then saw some videos where they were really shooting accurately. I can get this one used for around $850 But I wonder if better to get a tikka 1x for less if I can find one? Or Wait and spend some more money on a
Vudoo v-22 if I can find one? Again, I’m new so not a great shooter- I need to get my basics down and practice more which I love doing.

The 64 Anschutz shown in the pictures is an Anschutz 64 SBR, a 64 action benchrest model. It will have a BR-type forestock at 3" wide. It will have some cast in the butt stock and so is different in that regard from true BR stocks.

If you are shooting from the bench and have a front rest on which a 3" wide front bag can be used, this is a very good off-the-shelf rifle, improved on only by the much more expensive 54 action Anschutz BR rifles. While even the 54's will be unlikely to be competitive at serious levels, they remain the best option short of buying on the used market a custom made BR rifle known to shoot.

The Anschutz 64 SBR model is less commonly seen than the much more ubiquitous Anschutz 64 MPR. The SBR is designed specifically for use from the bench, while MPR is quite literally a Multi Purpose Repeater (MPR). Except for differences in the stock configuration (and perhaps barrel length), there's no reason for one to be more accurate than the other, except, as always, for luck of the draw in barrels.
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thank all you guys for your advice, much appreciated and helped me sort things out. After digesting this info and digging a bit more I do love the heritage of the Anschutz but I’m think I’m gonna search for a Vudoo . I’m gonna start out practicing and hitting the paper and steel as much as I can and learning and hopefully between the work wife and kids schedules I can sneak away and try to do some matches. Please let me know anyone that knows of a vudoo for sale and also if there are any matches in the Southern California area or where I would look to find out? Cheers
Check out the websites mentioned above or various forums for info on RF matches. ARA and ABRA have lists of sanctioned ranges that hold matches with schedules. Most of the shooters who attend/participate will be glad to help "throw you down the rabbit hole" with advice and suggestions, and will probably allow you to "test drive" their equipment" to see if you like it or not. We help each other out but still like to beat you on the target. LOL
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I am writing to ask if anyone can recommend a bipod that fits in the accessory rail of my 64 MPR. I am looking for equipment to set the rifle up for NRL22 competition...any suggestions??
I am writing to ask if anyone can recommend a bipod that fits in the accessory rail of my 64 MPR. I am looking for equipment to set the rifle up for NRL22 competition...any suggestions??


I have a 1761 MPR, basically uses the same stock as the 64 MPR. What I did was use a BT15 Picatinny rail and a couple of their AFAR rail nuts. This rail has a QD attachmnet for my sling and I mount a standard Atlas CAL bipod to it. There's a kit called the AFAR rail kit that comes ready to go if you don't need the sling attachment point - but I think it's handy to have the option of attaching the sling if I was to make a recommendation.