Any Anschutz pistol shooters?

Joe G

Full Member
Feb 26, 2007
Charleston, WV

Picked up a couple more from a collector today. I was always happy with my contenders and freedom arms revolvers shooting 50yd groups with no paper between the holes. Made the mistake of playing with some rifles that would shoot really tiny holes and now I am trying to see just what an Annie pistol is capable of.

1. 17P 17hmr
2. 17P 17hmr
3. 17P Calfee converted to 17 Mach2
4. Exemplar 22lr
5. 64P 22lr
6. Exemplar by Calfee 22lr
7. Exemplar 22lr
8. 1416 22lr (Only 100 of the 1416’s made)
9. 64P 22lr
10. 1416 22lr
11. 1416 22lr NIB
12. 64P 22lr
13. 1730P .22 Hornet. NIB
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Picked up a couple more from a collector today. I was always happy with my contenders and freedom arms revolvers shooting 50yd groups with no paper between the holes. Made the mistake of playing with some rifles that would shoot really tiny holes and now I am trying to see just what an Annie pistol is capable of.

1. 17P 17hmr
2. 17P 17hmr
3. 17P Calfee converted to 17 Mach2
4. Exemplar 22lr
5. 64P 22lr
6. Exemplar by Calfee 22lr
7. Exemplar 22lr
8. 1416 22lr (Only 100 of the 1416’s made)
9. 64P 22lr
10. 1416 22lr
11. 1416 22lr NIB
12. 64P 22lr
13. 1730P .22 Hornet. NIB
Were any ever made with the 54 action, or only the 64 series?

I owned an Exemplar .22 once, but it was so accurate I actually found it boring. Eventually sold it. One of many things who's usefulness was limited by where I was shooting at the time.
There's a bunch of things I sold back then that I could have a lot of fun with now. Also one of those things where I think back and say "I sold it for HOW much!?" Little as it was. it was a lot more money to me then. Sadly there's lots of those. :(
That is quite a collection of Exemplars. They were just coming out as I was exiting IHMSA but they were sure an improvement over our other choices.

I uee mine at our local longrange rimfire matches. All are 22 longrifle left hand bolt. 1 (now sold to a friend) original 10" with wood stock, 1 10" in an aluminum chassis I made myself, 1 14" original spare barrel from a friend's gun. An extra ARS aluminum chassis and my last and best one has a 15 7/8" Shilen ratchet barrel built by Gene Davis in a one off ARS aluminum rifle chassis with mono-pod I made from a cheek rest mechanism. An Arken EP-5 with 58moa of cant helps it reach out a tad far if needed.

They all will shoot nearly as well as any higher end rifle but Big Green is amazing. You also mentioned Freedom Arms. Got a model 83 5 shot 22 set up for longrange experimentation. Not what some might call pistols but they mingle/mix with the rifles and aren't embarrassed.




Just for entertainment value here's a clip of my Freedom Arms shooting at a 12" tombstone shaped target at 350 yards. Far row of targets by the tree line far left target. Target on far right is full size IPSC for comparison. Not nearly as accurate as Big Green but does well for a revolver.



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That is awesome. Took my FA 83 22 to Thunder Valley for a memorial pistol shoot. Some of the guys were playing with it and consistently hitting clay targets at 200yds with a 3-12 pistol scope. Made me realize I need more trigger time. 😂.
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That is awesome. Took my FA 83 22 to Thunder Valley for a memorial pistol shoot. Some of the guys were playing with it and consistently hitting clay targets at 200yds with a 3-12 pistol scope. Made me realize I need more trigger time. 😂.
Buddy of mine went to that shoot. Randy Wise, I offered him my Freedom 44 this year for the revolver class. Heck the 22 might do as good. He said it was fun, I don't have anything to fit into any of the specific classes.

Buddy of mine went to that shoot. Randy Wise, I offered him my Freedom 44 this year for the revolver class. Heck the 22 might do as good. He said it was fun, I don't have anything to fit into any of the specific classes.

They are expanding the 22 class this year so your Annie’s would work. Met Randy for first time. Awesome guy. He let me shoot one of his toys. A pistol at 1 mile…..CRAZY. I had more fun after shooting the “formal” competition when we allowed open range to shoot everyone’s pistols.
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I just sold this one a few weeks ago. Not shooting small bore anymore. Brenda still owns a rear grip, 64P. For her it shoots really nicely. Gonna keep it.

Spent many an hour converting this right hand HS Precision stock to left hand and finishing it out to match nicely with the Anschutz action. My only regret. Never shot a 40x40 with it thought the last time I shot it in competition, I missed the tenth ram. I was besides myself in anger. At that time I felt considering my age and issues, it might be my last chance to shoot a perfect score. Turned out to be correct. Now, even with my best big bore gun, I feel like its been a good day to score a 32x40 (which was the score i earned my very first ever match all those years ago). Age is a bitch.
