Background: So, I’m not a rancher, farmer or really anything involving cattle other than eating the end product these days. I grew up in and around rodeo, then competed a couple more years after college. I’m not a total moron around livestock, but I’m well aware I basically don’t know shit when it comes to raising cattle.
The area I live in still has a few smaller acreages where the Old Guard is still raising a few cows. One of them is about a half mile from my place. Two days ago, my wife drives in fast and says “that guy on the corner with the cows-looks like they’re having trouble catching a cow that is having a tough time giving birth”.
I know the place And had actually pulled a breach birth calf for them a couple years ago.(another story). Long story short, I get down there, rope the cow, get her stopped and pull the calf, that was at the time alive but had a swollen tongue and a few other signs of a tough birth. Not to mention being about 95-100lbs( a big F’ing calf and a small heifer)
Now, the other folks I’ve been around would actually assist the calf in getting fed pretty quickly (swollen tongue on a calf won’t allow it to suckle) I’ve seen em get the calf tubed down the throat and the necessaries be poured directly into the stomach and the calf might end up being bottle-fed, but it typically lives.
These guys ( one 75 year old guy that don’t get around too good, his 50 ish daughter and some other really scroungy guy 50 ish) didn’t do a damn thing. No feeding tubes, no help whatsoever. I get the natural thing, but there’s a point to lend the assist after a really hard birth. They told me that they lose half the calves they pull. I guess I’m becoming sentimental as I get older, but it freaking pissed me off. The little pasture is surrounded by new homes and apartments filled with Californians and other retards, so they get calls and people stopping in to tell them somethings wrong all the time. They’re a bit jaded on that end.
My questions for anyone who actually knows cows are:
1)Do you lend an assist when the calf can’t get up and get its own milk?
2)What percentage (ish) calves do you have to pull, and of them, how many survive?
3)Would you change “ old school “ tactics if the city was essentially across the road from your place( people, cell phones etc... watching every thing you do)
4)Am I just being a pussy for getting pissed off about this? ( watching the calf slowly die over the course of about 20 hours)?
Someone help me out here.
The area I live in still has a few smaller acreages where the Old Guard is still raising a few cows. One of them is about a half mile from my place. Two days ago, my wife drives in fast and says “that guy on the corner with the cows-looks like they’re having trouble catching a cow that is having a tough time giving birth”.
I know the place And had actually pulled a breach birth calf for them a couple years ago.(another story). Long story short, I get down there, rope the cow, get her stopped and pull the calf, that was at the time alive but had a swollen tongue and a few other signs of a tough birth. Not to mention being about 95-100lbs( a big F’ing calf and a small heifer)
Now, the other folks I’ve been around would actually assist the calf in getting fed pretty quickly (swollen tongue on a calf won’t allow it to suckle) I’ve seen em get the calf tubed down the throat and the necessaries be poured directly into the stomach and the calf might end up being bottle-fed, but it typically lives.
These guys ( one 75 year old guy that don’t get around too good, his 50 ish daughter and some other really scroungy guy 50 ish) didn’t do a damn thing. No feeding tubes, no help whatsoever. I get the natural thing, but there’s a point to lend the assist after a really hard birth. They told me that they lose half the calves they pull. I guess I’m becoming sentimental as I get older, but it freaking pissed me off. The little pasture is surrounded by new homes and apartments filled with Californians and other retards, so they get calls and people stopping in to tell them somethings wrong all the time. They’re a bit jaded on that end.
My questions for anyone who actually knows cows are:
1)Do you lend an assist when the calf can’t get up and get its own milk?
2)What percentage (ish) calves do you have to pull, and of them, how many survive?
3)Would you change “ old school “ tactics if the city was essentially across the road from your place( people, cell phones etc... watching every thing you do)
4)Am I just being a pussy for getting pissed off about this? ( watching the calf slowly die over the course of about 20 hours)?
Someone help me out here.