Hunting & Fishing Any Fly Fishers Here?


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Jan 4, 2011
Wylie, Tx
It has been many years since I have done any fly fishing, but I want to get back into it. Most of my fishing will be done on my private pond for blue gill and crappie but some bass also. So I believe that a six weight rod would be the best.

I have it narrowed down to three rods.

Sage Bass II
Sage Response
or the Cabelas L tech rod

What length would be the best to go with.

For the reel I am either going to go with the sage 4200 or the sage click.

Any input here, from the research that I have done sage is pretty good stuff. I was also looking at the cabelas rod and would like to get my gear from cabelas because I have the cabelas cc and have some points saved and would get some good points from them off this.

fly fishing for bass/pan fish is pretty fun. i went the cheap rout with the cabelas gear. Got a long rod and a short rod, the shorty is good for roll casting in tight quaters. Panfish and bass on the fly is great fun. The mini poppers were my all time favorite to catch fish on. Any of the gear that you listed should work fine.
Good luck!
I would go with a 9ft. 6 wt. rod and make sure it has a fighting butt as this will help with the bass for sure.. I am a huge fan of Sage products so I will give a slightly biased opinion :) I would go with a reel with a drag as it will also help with the bass and the 4200 will work nicely . Good Luck and be careful it is addictive , I have an entire room in my house dedicated to tying flies and storing all my equipment not to mention a jet boat and 2 drift boats :)
I have Hyde drift boat and there are lots of rivers in Arkansas, the little red, the white and the nor fork .. I have not fished the response rod, I really like the ONE and the 6wt. XI3 is one of the best rods I have ever thrown..
I have been looking at the hyde, I know they are great for fishing rivers and that is what they are made for, but how would they do in the open water to fish banks and such? If you don't mind would you post a pic of it. The one rod does look really nice from what I have read just not sure if it that is quite in my price range for just the rod. Right now I think I am between the response and the vxp.

Not sure a drifter is the best option if you intend to fish open water , I use a 17 ft blazer with an outboard jet when I need to cross over from shallow rivers to open water . I will email you some pics if email is in profile
I have an old Orvis HLS 4wt that would be great for pan fish. For bass I use a St Croix 9wt. It can throw the large flies well. I haven't used sage rods but have heard great things about them.


I very highly recommend the TFO BVK! It is 1/3 the price of a Sage the One and I personally prefer how the BVKs fish over the Sage rods you posted, especially the 6 and 7 weights. If you for some reason need it (see slammed rod tip in car door by younger family members), TFO's customer service and warranty are unbeatable. I have no affiliation whatsoever with TFO, I just love this rod. It is very light and responsive, while still accurate both close and far (very easy to get the whole line off if that is what you're into). It also has plenty of backbone as proven by the 6lb largemouth I horsed out of the weeds a few nights ago. It is sensitive enough to enjoy the little guys (caught a crappie the other night too, first one in 8 years, 7 inch wall hanger lol). In my opinion, the BVK is a much finer rod than all the options you posted. I honestly feel neglecting to consider the BVK would be a mistake. I fly fish over 90 days per year and will be getting my guide license next year. I've fished the top of the line Scotts, Winstons and Sages, I just can't justify spending that sort of change after fishing the BVK. You won't find a negative review on this rod. Best of luck fellow warm water fly wands are always a fun decision. Cheers,

Hi, I am your local Hide rod builder. I use a lot of different fly rods, I personally don't care much for the BassII rod from Sage, but I love the One. I fish 6 different fly rods right now and am planning on building another this year. The Response is in the same class as a TFOs. I have not touched the Cabellas stuff, but I hear they are nice for the money. I would fish either an 8-06 or a 9foot in anywhere from a 4 to a 8 weight. My personal favorite from TFO is the Clauser followed by the BVK. I have recently started building on the BVK blanks using my own guide spacing which to me makes the tip feel more alive and the rod just a little faster due to less thread wraps(single foot guides) But since you are looking at Sage, go cast a ONE.

As to the reels, the 4200 series reel is about the nicest 300 dollar reel on the market hands down. Its drag beats out reels of higher dollar reels. I have one on my 9wt Xi3 with just shy of 500 yards of backing and have used most of it. The drag is incredibly smooth and powerful at the same time, it weighs next to nothing for a reel of its size. If you are going with a smaller rod, say 4 to 6 weight and don't plan on seeign any salt water action, you can skimp on the reel, because chances are you will never even get to the backing unless you hook up on a monster carp (the reel acts as a line storage device). I would suggest to you the Sage 1600 series or the Lampson waterworks reels in the 100-150 dollar class. The drags are great and the Lampson weighs almost nothing.
cmh, well written post. I think it shows that your decision is a subjective one. I've casted the Clouser also, just prefer the BVK with my casting style. I also like the Lamson Waterworks reels quite a bit. Best of luck,
If it was me and I was unsure, I would go to Cabelas and buy a BVK, your reel, backing, etc. (I wasn't sure you had "Church" near you). Take it all fishing. If you did that, and for some unforeseeable reason didn't like the rod, you can return it (I think you have 30 days for non-Cabela's brand products).

I know you didn't ask about line, but I would also recommend Airflo Bass/Musky taper or Airflo Ridge Clear line in Weight-forward Floating (perhaps the latter for a 6 weight). You may have to order it from or someone else but the quality (lack of tangles/rats nests) is worth potentially waiting an extra day or two. I currently fish mostly SA Mastery GPX WFF lines and think the Airflo is superior. I am in the process of replacing my lines with Airflo lines as I wear them out.

Have fun, let us know what you decide,
Another thing, don't go to any place that won't let you try before you buy. If they won't let you, walk out and go somewhere else. buying a fly rod is like buying a car, you really want to know how the rod is going to fit your casting style, and the line setup that you use.
Here's another vote for a TFO BVK, great all around rod in a 5 or 6 wt in a 9ft length. For the money, they are tough to beat. Very responsive at a good price and backed by a great warranty. Bass are a ton of fun on a fly rod.
I think you're already on the right track with your rod selections and for your intended purpose, a 9ft. 6wt. rod would be a darned good fit. I recently purchased my son the Cabelas rod you are considering and for a beginner it makes quite a bit of sense because he wouldn't be able to cast a $800 GLoomis or Sage any better than a $130 rod at this juncture (and for flipping a popper or foam spider or wooly bugger into a pond it will do a fine job.) I cannot comment on the Temple Fork rods as I've never fished them but another value line to look at is the St. Croix products. Have fun!
I have very little experience with fresh water but have spent many years in the salt. Did it for $$ for a number of years. My advice to folks was always the one you cast best. If you've been out of the game for some time try and find a local proshop that might let you demo cast some different blanks and don't look at the price on either end of the spectrum. I've always been a Sage guy myself but have casted some to the TFO rods that cast quite nicely. I hear Reddington is also making some blanks that cast well too.
Actually the reason that you hear Redington is making some nice blanks (although they don't sell bare blanks) is because they are now owned by Sage and completely designed by Sage's engineers as a lower end alternative to Sage
I seem to be stuck on Sage TXL-F rods. A lot of my fishing is done on smaller ponds and creeks, so the majority of my rods are in the 7 to 8 1/2 ft range due to the brushiness of the ponds. I also seem to be liking the utralights for the smaller panfish so the last two rods I bought were a 2wt and a 00wt, both with click reels. The 00 is awesome, nut requires a lot of patience..... Bob
There is nothing wrong with the TXL, they are great rods. Actually the new Grace series by Sage (breast cancer benefit rod) is supposed to be the same rod just in pink. I am actually contemplating building a TXL for myself in something like 1 or 3 weight.
+1 for TFO BVK. It's what I use for for freshwater. The more expensive rods won't really make much of a difference unless you fish a ton (wish I could) and know exactly what style/size/speed fits your form and needs. Look at Allen flyfishing equipment too. Small company, but good products.

And for even more fun make your way down to the coast and try some saltwater fly fishing.
pretty nice that you have a place right there to go fish. Wish I had that as an option. About once a year my wife and I jump into a canoe and fish the weeds from the lake side. I get such a laugh when those little things hit the fly. Not sure what they fish with in Tx however in our area I use an Elk Hair Caddis. I can fish it dry on the surface, let it get a little wet and stay just below the surface and jerk it in or, and this is my favorite, set it down on a lilly pad and then 'jump' it off. Those crappy's sure will hit it hard just after it hits the surface. Dang....I gotta get out fishin'

Like others have said here would go with the Cabela's. Dont get me wrong,I like Sage (mostly all I get requests to build these days) I just dont know if I see the value. Of course if money is burning a hole in your pocket get CMH to build you one. Have fun...
You boys sure have a fine taste in equipment. I have caught everything from panfish to 10-12lb class false albacore on a 7weight Pfleuger 9ft 2 piece, and 1594 reel for the last 22 years. Always looked at a reel as nothing more than a line holder. Keep my drag with me everywhere I go, it's attached to my left arm. I will say I am thinking the old Pflueger has seen better days. I would like a new rod and maybe one of those Pflueger Presidents. I can't see putting over $500 in a rig even if I used it every day. If I hadn't seen the abuse and pile of fish $100 rig can account for I might have a different view.
Cost in fly rods really can make a difference. Its not about which is thougher, alot had to do with the tech that goes into it. I have probably the exact same pfluger rod that you do and up next to many tfo and sage rods it is heavy, slow, lacks backbone and lifting power and most of all sensitivity. It is a decently good cheap rod but I challengeyou to put out up next to something more modern.
I still use a loomis gl2 for bass that I got in a going out of business sale 10 years ago. For trout I have a variety from 1 wt up to 5 wt depending on the river or creek. Lots of small mountain streams here in the Shenandoah Valley for smallies and trout. Looking forward to some fishing in NH next week for landlocked salmon and brookies!

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Well i haven't been able to update my post because I have been slammed at work, but I was up at cabelas tonight with my brother so he could get a new spinning rod and was looking at the fly gear and talking to the gentleman in that section and he wanted to show me a Winston rod, so I thought ok. And being the sucker for a good deal I ended up bringing home a new rod.

It is a Winston Boron III 9' 6 weight. The regular retail on the rod is $795 but they had it marked down to $397 So I could not pass up the deal.
and to go along with it I got a lamson Guru reel. I think it makes a pretty good little combo and feel I made a good choice for the value I got.

A big thanks to CMH on here for all the advice he has given me, and I defiantly will be having you make me a rod.



Hopefully I can find some time to try it out this weekend.
That is a hell of a deal on a hell of a rod. What line did you put with it? I see you went with the Lampson reel I suggested, surprising how light it is. Isn't it?

Yeah it is very light, and I do like the reel more than the sage I was looking at. Deinfinalty a good choice. The line is the Scientific angler one that you reconmended me to get I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head. I really wanted you to build me a rod but when I saw the mark down on that rod I just couldnt pass it up and the two guys in the fishing section didnt know it was marked down or they would have bought it.

Well I went out to the little pond in my neighborhood tonight to throw a popper to get some practice. Never was fun to fly fish in 15 mph winds but I did have a blast, Missed the first fish because I didn't keep the line tight and it spit the hook out. But I quickly got back into the game some and caught this nice little bass.


Not too bad for the first day back with a fly rod, sure is a blast like I remember.

You should be able to handle some pretty big bass bugs with that rod. I use up to 1/0 deerhair and 2size cork/foam poppers with my tfo pro ii 6wt. Just use an over size leader to turn them over
I live within sight of the MO River, down stream from Wolf Creek and Craig, MT. This area of the MO is known as a blue ribbon stretch for Rainbows.

I've got a SAGE as well. same 9' six weight. GREAT rod, especially in the wind.

Nice choice! And a HELL of a pprice.