I have been gunsmithing for around 10 years now, It's a side business, just something I enjoy and it makes my hobby a little cheaper. I own a little shop, I do lots of Cerakote and some general repairs, I do custom builds but on pistols and AR's not long rifles as of now. Anyway, a guy called me a few weeks ago. His 300 Weatherby mag discharged when he took the safety off to unload the rifle (ouch). Its a MK V with the bolt lock so has to come off of safety to unload. Apparently this guy called every "gunsmith" within 100 miles and no one would even look at it for him. He brought it over, replicated the firing, pulled it apart, turns out the previous owner had jacked with the trigger and it was just a sear engagement issue. Got it fixed and him out the door in 20 minutes. Has our industry just gone to custom builds and parts swapping?