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Any Local Ghost Stories worth sharing?

The above is a quick 6 minute clip about some of the ghost lore surrounding Gettysburg. About 20 years or so ago- the History Channel ran a series of videos based of Mark Nesbitt's "Ghosts of Gettysburg" books and was rather well done. I reckon that you'd be able to catch a couple of those shows online should one be interested.

You see that “Hell House” documentary about that place in Indiana?

Demonic possession. Fortunately Zak Bagans was smart enough to demolish it.

Now the Chris Watts house- that's the same. New owners now separated for husband committing domestic violence and house is back up for sale. Analysis of EVP's on police video, plus demon opens up fridge after Watts confesses.

Chris Hill is an urban explorer - big bulked out dude who also carries while he explores alone. Not a ghosthunter, but runs into stuff by nature of this hobby:
If he is a hoaxer - he is good at it and fooled me.
(skip to 19:20- this dude gets KO'd x10 min while checking his phone, probably the best appararition on camera too)

The Masonic Temple stuff below 13:26:
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Demonic possession. Fortunately Zak Bagans was smart enough to demolish it.

Now the Chris Watts house- that's the same. New owners now separated for husband committing domestic violence and house is back up for sale. Analysis of EVP's on police video, plus demon opens up fridge after Watts confesses.

Chris Hill is an urban explorer - big bulked out dude who also carries while he explores alone. Not a ghosthunter, but runs into stuff by nature of this hobby:
If he is a hoaxer - he is good at it and fooled me.
(skip to 21:20- this dude gets KO'd x10 min while checking his phone, probably the best appararition on camera too)

The Masonic Temple stuff below 13:26:

Thanks for those, looking forward to watching them
Yes. I am approaching 70 and have been having these experiences since about 5. I would have to say I have had several hundred. Some are things I just happen to know which I should not. Some are in known "haunted" places. Some are knowing something is just not right and finding out later on something very bad happened there.
Most recently I went to a haunted tour and after about half the tour when we went to the basement and I "knew" more of what was going on there than the person giving the tour. It was only the wife and I along with the guide so it was very open, personal so I was willing to share more than usual.
When we returned back upstairs with some of the other guides they too were amazed I could know so much. I didnt know but I was able to express what was there. I seen some things in my mind.
Normally if it was a group I would of been quiet. On that same tour someone, thing, supposedly little girl that resided there pulled hair out of the back of my leg. When this happened, the guide put out their ghost hunting equipment and got all sorts of EVP? readings one several different types of equipment.
He had worked there for years and never experienced this. I believe "they" feel comfortable around me and show themselves.

I was specializing in doing project management, repairs for realtors in my area. This led me to being in a couple of houses for sale daily. There were a few times I would go into a house and become very uncomfortable. One house the realtor knew the history and I had done a lot of work for her. We were looking at some fixes and I commented something is wrong with this house. She said let me show you something really neat in the dining room. I got to the doorway, froze and said I can't go in there. She then tells me the guy that lived there committed suicide in that room.
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Anyone ever play an ouija board? If so did you get it to work? I damn sure couldn’t.

I told any entities around that if the spirit realm AKA hyperspace is easily accessible, can they do us a favor and open a stargate for us that can accomodate a carrier battlegroup so we can start exploring Alpha Centauri. We'll repay them back by uploading their spirits into sleek and sexy android bodies by the time we reach Kardashev Class 1.2 status so they can come back as robots. They didn't oblige me though, and if they really were around they were probably laughing at what a drunken fool I was. 🙁

Guess we'll have to do it the hard way one day, with giant coils and hyperspace modulators and such...
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I’ve got no ghost stories but I live in a house that was built in the 1890’s. Every couple of months er so I’ll be watching TV late at night with my dog sleeping on the floor at my feet. He will wake up from a dead sleep and watch someone walk from the kitchen (behind me) to the bedroom (in front of me). Then go right back to sleep. Sometime he growls and other times he just watches with his ears pinned against his head. Makes my hair stand up because I know his reactions.
I’ve got no ghost stories but I live in a house that was built in the 1890’s. Every couple of months er so I’ll be watching TV late at night with my dog sleeping on the floor at my feet. He will wake up from a dead sleep and watch someone walk from the kitchen (behind me) to the bedroom (in front of me). Then go right back to sleep. Sometime he growls and other times he just watches with his ears pinned against his head. Makes my hair stand up because I know his reactions.
I don't have any ghost stories as it were myself- but I grew up in an area rich with them, I just find local ghost stories fascinating and it's the right time of year to revisit this thread.

If anyone is interested look up FELDE CASTLE on facebook. An old orphanage, old folks home, hospital in Hot Springs SD. I know the owners and they are quite skeptical people but they have seen a lot of spooky shit in there. Some of the nurses at the VA in Hot Springs also worked in that hospital when it was operating and have some corroborating stories to tell. The picture is from the owners living room( former admin entrance of the hospital)
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These guys do a good job with their podcast and really bring in a proper Christian perspective. Also they do a good job with sound development to tell the stories.

Finally, If you are more interested in such things and want to a scholarly Christian perspective. Just go look at Dr. Michael Heiser’s work
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Check out MrBallen's channel on YouTube. He has some decent ghost stories as well as others.

This is a decent compilation.

His channel:

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This happened 13 years ago. A bunch of sophmores from our school messed with black magic remains behind a playground. They started seeing things and one of them died mysteriously in a train accident. One of the kids' sister went crazy and was locked up in her room for weeks. Things eventually settled down and everything went back to normal, I believe.

This happened in 2017, when I visited my buddies in south Asia. They've only heard about this house where a father abandoned his family and the mother went crazy, killed her two girls, and then herself. But the local legend is that they are still waiting for the father to come back. We decided to take a trip and finding it was a challenge. We asked a few people in that neighborhood for the exact location as we didn't know and people were not happy when we talked about it. They asked us to leave. Eventually, someone told us where it is and we ended up going there. Streets were empty at 7 pm (pretty unusual for a city with 10+ million people). One side of the road had a bunch of apartments (well lit with street lights) and the other led right to that house (dark street with broken street lights). As we were walking towards that house, we felt a sudden strong breeze, and heard a scream. We ran back to car so fast and left. Could've been mind tricks as we stopped to get some drinks and a guy told us that somebody was living there now and the whole thing is BS.

My wife and her sisters are adamant that there was supernatural activity when they were growing up in their parents' old house. She told me that they would hear screams in the middle of the night and as if someone was running down the hallway with a drawer full of silverware. There was an old bike in a closet when they moved in to that house it seems and after a few years, they got rid of that bike and nothing happened after that. My father-in-law says that he never experience anything and the girls watched too many horror movies lol.
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We used to walk all over town. Just killing time staying active. This time of year it would be dark a lot of the time. We were walking past the local nursing and in one of the upstairs windows, we see the dimly lit figure of an old women reaching out toward us.

I was instantly suspicious of a figure in the window because it was in an old house on the property of the new facility. The lower floors were offices and upper were just storage. I started to stare at it. It was the creepiest thing I have ever seen. I am covered in goosebumps at this point, and my wife starts to say. Don't look at it don't look at. The chills ran up and down my spine like I have never felt. I looked away and sped up with my wife.

Down the street a ways I can see We are going to pass a bunch of big dark glass windows. I can feel the anxiety edge up as we get closer and closer to the windows. I can't even look at them.

My wife exclaims, don't look don't look don't look and speeds up again. At this point I am jogging after and can scarcely muster the courage to look at the wall of dark windows.

I glance in the window out of the corner of my eye and catch a glimpse of this hidoues creature. A ghoulish monster, but not solid. Oh wait. That's my reflection. 🤣🤣🤣

Anyway for about a week I couldn't look windows at night until I drove past the nursing home to see some crafty bastard had put a manikin in the window and dressed it like an old lady. They had it side lit with something that made look spooky as shit at night. Got me anyway. 🤣🤣
Check out MrBallen's channel on YouTube. He has some decent ghost stories as well as others.

This is a decent compilation.

His channel:

Completely agree been watching him for quite a while and subscribed. He does an absolutely phenomenal job telling the stories. He also has two spinoff's Medical Stories and Military Stories if you haven't caught wind of them.

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Check out MrBallen's channel on YouTube. He has some decent ghost stories as well as others.

This is a decent compilation.

His channel:

This was the particular story that got me hooked on MrBallen & subscribed. I'd share more but others might watch the video and I don't want to ruin the ending.