Hello there
The black hole of optics brought me here. So it goes, the hole just deepens more and more while I reconfigure my setups and plan my jump into the premium tier of riflescopes.
On another note - I go between the Chisago County, MN and Burnett County, WI areas. I'm always looking to meet new folks, connect on 2A related things, and even better make new range buddies. It'd be awesome to connect with someone or a local group that is equally passionate and wants to learn LRPS. If I'm lucky, it'd be even better to find some mentorship on with that. I've learned much on my own, but am always eager to learn from others more experienced.
Lately, I've been researching new optics for my Bergara HMR Wilderness (6.5 CM), Bergara Timber (308) and a LR AR. Quite the head case that is
Anyways, just thought I'd poke my head up and say hi.
Happy weekend y'all

On another note - I go between the Chisago County, MN and Burnett County, WI areas. I'm always looking to meet new folks, connect on 2A related things, and even better make new range buddies. It'd be awesome to connect with someone or a local group that is equally passionate and wants to learn LRPS. If I'm lucky, it'd be even better to find some mentorship on with that. I've learned much on my own, but am always eager to learn from others more experienced.
Lately, I've been researching new optics for my Bergara HMR Wilderness (6.5 CM), Bergara Timber (308) and a LR AR. Quite the head case that is

Happy weekend y'all