Any of you with VN era sniper rifles: Spotter set


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member

In case anyone wants a primo set for a steal… those fiberglass tube cases alone go for real$.

Not affiliated with this auction… I just know there is always a demand for these here in Vintage.

Cheers, Sirhr
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It would be fun to get a bunch of VN Era kit to go with my SSA M40.
Commercially produced versions of these scopes and tripods can be had for around $125

Argus Scope

They pop up fairly regularly.

Bushnell Sentry and older Kowa are very close.
I used to have that entire set in my kit, it was issued to me for shooting team work. It is honestly kind of a shitty scope. When I retired and had to turn a bunch of stuff in, it was the only thing they specifically wanted back. We also had a bucket of M24 flash hiders we used for a door stop. Those suck and change the point of impact so they were not popular. If I had only known people collected them, I'd have brought you guys some flash hiders. At some point, they probably got tossed in the metal recycling.