It depends on a lot of factors you didn't mention.
Such as stock material bedding with or without pillars how much a particular stock design needs to be opened up for a the barrel profile etc.
Of the stocks I have modified and bedded the Greyboe I did last was the easiest due to the homogenous design of the stock.
Bedding isn't a very difficult process but isn't a fool proof process either, preparation is the key and attention to detail.
I had used Devcon 10-110 in the past and it is excellent material to work with but it's expensive and the shelf life isn't that good, I have since switched to Marine-tex and have no complaints with it.
Use natural shoe polish as a release agent or splurge and get a can of the aerosol release agent.
I like to bed the first 1.5" of the barrel with heavy barrels just in front of the recoil lug but I'm not shooting out and replacing barrels every three months like some.