Anyody know where I can shoot out to a mile in PA?

Eastern or western pa? I know from philly there are two 1000 yard ranges 3 hours from
Me and that is about it.

I doubt there are any 1 mile ranges in the state unless on private land. Much easier out west, less trees to deal
If you are in western PA take a look at Thunder Valley Precision in Ohio. We have steel from 200 all the way out to 1 mile.

Yes, I want to make the trip out there badly. It's about a 5 hour drive though, so I'd like to find something closer.

I'm in Central PA.

Been looking on Google Maps hoping to find a big-ass plot of land I can pay an owner to use, no luck there either.
I'd make friends at Williamsport.
I know there are plenty of spots to get that distance in the mountains but access is the issue.
My friend has been out with family/friends deer hunting with 50's mountain to mountain.