I've always keep different colors of trip wire in bag, but it sucks for a snare, as does snare wire for many things. The snare wire of today is so much better than long ago, as are many new trapping supply's. My old line went west 15 miles west an east 5 miles. Ran it with a Rupp mini bike pulling a home made trailer, really, really enjoyed those days, no matter how bad the weather or catch. Just being out, alone, an one with mother nature was the best days of my life. Had two trot lines out on the west line that was mostly used for bait. When freeze up came/started,... had a pulley system I used to get the line under the ice. The kin folk always instilled in us kids to think out of the box an when they seen it for the first time they said,... I had done well. Which to me meant everything, at 12 years old.