Anyone know which savage this is??


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • May 7, 2011
    Cabelas is having a sale on a savage 22lr and I can't tell what model it is.

    Heres the link:

    The picture in the link is the 17hmr I believe. I called two different cabelas and the guy behind the counter had no idea what model it is. All the info I got is that it is threaded, does not come with a base, comes with sights, comes with an accutrigger and the bolt knob is a sphere and not the cylinder like the TR and FV's. One of the guys said it was a MKii and the second guy said he doesnt think its a mkii.

    I searched everyone on the internet and can't find a model savage thats threaded, has a sphere knob and doesnt come with a base. Anyone have some better googlefu?
    Re: Anyone know which savage this is??

    oh ok, so its a thin barrel and not a heavy barrel? Thats a dealbreaker.

    I'm looking for a trainer that accurate...(as accurate as a stock savage can be atleast)
    Re: Anyone know which savage this is??

    Do you know what kind of accuracy people are generally getting from these things? Worse than the FV or TR series?

    It's kind of hard to do a search considering they have no official model name!
    Re: Anyone know which savage this is??

    Thanks guys. I think I'm not gonna bite on this one. I'm just gonna wait and get either a fv or tr like I originally wanted. Wouldn't want to get a bad shooter and later have to get what I originally wanted anyways.

    I know those store 'exclusive' rifles usually have alot of cut corners to line the stores wallets.
    Re: Anyone know which savage this is??

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Force_Multiplier</div><div class="ubbcode-body">it's a Cabela's exclusive... not a std Savage model...

    std Mk II w/ threading added... skinny bbl... sights...</div></div>

    Not a Cabela's special. They are all over the place here in Tenn.
    I picked mine up at a local gunshop. Friend of mine got one at Sportsmans Warehouse. Another buddy got one from a dealer here on the Hide. I still have the box if anyone needs a model number.
    Re: Anyone know which savage this is??

    the thin barrel won't hurt accuracy MUCH...i mean, if you're getting a threaded one, you're obviously going to run a that will also help accuracy (usually. But, as for 1moa at 100 and 200yds....def don't count on any stretch of the imagination, lol. maybe with EPS or Team or Midas....but not with bulk or SV or any regular person ammo...