Night Vision Anyone Try the Badger PVS-14 to Leupold Spotting Scope Adapter?

It all depends on the level of ambient light or the power level of your IR illuminator.

Results will vary dependent on those two factors.

The spotting scope internals reduce the amount of light passing through to the 14.
The 14 may be bright as daylight when not attached to the scope, but very disappointing when attached.

I havent used the badger, but used the pre-badger "mono-loc" for at least 15 years, they work exactly the same.

B4 monoloc, we used duct tape.
We keep two of them with Leupy spotters for use in classes in case we have to loan out the clip-ons.

You will find that it can do ok, but definitely increases the need for an illuminator as the spotter sucks a lot of the light down before it gets to your 14.

You will also not find the reticle in your spotter usable with the 14 in the rear. Even playing with the focus and setup from all angles, I can barely make out the reticle and it is so poor, I would call it useless.

With the NV in front of the spotter, you will find the reticle nice and crisp. Very usable.

Even with an illuminator lighting things up down range, the 14 on the back is definitely behind the performance curve compared to putting a 22, 27 or 30 in front of spotter.
