Anyone use loctite on muzzle brake?


Full Member
I have a PWS compensator on my PTR-91 and even with the allen set screw it always gets loose at the range. I get warmed up, start getting decent groups, then they open up/get wild and I think it's just me and go home... this is the 3rd time, and I forget to check it at the range... I'm ready to loctite this thing on AND the set screw. Any disadvantages to this that people have found out the hard way?
Re: Anyone use loctite on muzzle brake?

Before you use Loctite you could try putting a very small piece of Whipper snipper line in the hole, where the set screw goes and see if that works.
Hope this helps
Re: Anyone use loctite on muzzle brake?

I was having similar issues and now use blue loctite with good results. I have had some issues getting the brakes off again, but a vice and a little patience does the trick.

FYI, I do not get my barrels extremely hot so I can't say what the effect would be in this instance.
Re: Anyone use loctite on muzzle brake?

As stated above, rockset is the way to go. Make sure you only use a couple of drops. It can be a bear to get the FH off if you use too much. I've never had a problem with them backing off or removing them when the rockset was applied properly.
Re: Anyone use loctite on muzzle brake?

One more vote for use of Rocksett given the nature of your problem. Use just a few drops of it, then torque the brake down to PWS's recommended torque specs (do NOT go nuts with the Rocksett or with a gorilla amount of force, etc...proper tools, proper torque, patience=proper install)!