Hunting & Fishing Anyone using a 750 Woodsmaster?


Full Member
Jan 21, 2008
Kansas City, KS
Thinking about getting one for deer this fall. No real particular reason why other than it is different from my bolts that are all heavy barrels. Howver I do not want a 2 MOA rifle either. From what I have read on-line (the interenet never lies) they are better than the old 7400's and can be MOA rifles. Opinions from current and past owners appriciated.
Re: Anyone using a 750 Woodsmaster?

I have had a few 740/742/7400

I worked on them a bit, did some fun stuff with them- I liked them. Never read anything good about them but i sure enjoyed the ones I worked with.

My favorite is a carbine length .308 or .243. Handy, quick, accurate enough and deadly. I have heard that the 750 was supposed to be better but could never get a straight answer as to why.

For the price they want for a 750 I might look at what Browning/Win/Fn are offering in similar package