Anyone with a Brand New Voodoo 360 Have a question


Old Salt
Full Member
  • Dec 12, 2017
    I am watching a Voodoo 360 video and guy was having ejection issues.

    So voodoo replaces the bolt with a modified bolt that has a cut in one of the lugs so the bolt will
    have longer travel.

    Do the new 360's have one lug cut the this picture?????

    I never noticed a difference really between the recess bolt and the not recess bolt. I haven't had any issues cycling. I haven't had any precision/accuracy issues. I probably have around 5000 rounds through my new Vudoo. I've won multiple matches, and it shot a 12mm at Lapua with CX. So all in all it's doing great.
    My original 360 never had a lug cut and it ran fine. Never had an issue.
    My mate and I have three 360's - None have the lug cut out and all eject fine also.
    Not really liking Voodoo's fix for ejection issues. To me it seems like they should of changed the
    bolt stop.
    Totally agree - Seems like a "band aid" fix for an expensive 22LR.
    A quick, superficial, or temporary solution to a problem that does not address or resolve the underlying cause of said problem.

    I have over 38K rounds of flawless function. Maybe band aid fix isn't quite appropriate.
    LOL Nobody on planet earth has 38k rounds of flawless function on a magazine fed rimfire.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Williwaw
    My Three-60 has a s/n range of T11XX, doesn't have the lug cut, and runs perfectly. The only 3-lug Vudoo I own with the lug cut is the 2nd V22S I bought a year or so after getting the 1st V22S, and it's set up as a smallbore prone rifle, so IF the cut makes for more effective ejection, it's all good, as I might have to get clear out of position to clear it.