Rifle Scopes Anyone with situational awareness or insider knowledge of when SWFA will drop the new fixed power scopes with the new reticle?

Revamped fixed power scopes are coming this summer in all likelihood.

Other models after that, but I do not know the exact schedule.

Do you know what fixed models first?

I'm guessing 6x and 10x?
And the 10x being a replacement of the non-HD model?
I've wanted a mil Christmas tree reticle SWFA 10x with zero stops and covered (optional, apparently) windage for a long time, this is good news.
Not sure I like these reticles TBH.
I get all they've done is add a tree to their existing reticle but it doesn't make any sense to me if they were able to start from scratch.

The Mil Quad reticle is great for low magnification visibility but not too thick on higher mag, but being a fixed power scope they should've been able to optimize the reticle design for the one magnification.

Long story short, the super thick side bars, ugly diamonds and lack of number 1 thru 5 on the main cross I'd disappointing for a newly revamped scope line up.
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Screenshot of the reticle for quick reference. I personally don’t mind it. Would like to see a fully different optic though and not these older designs. A mil based 2.5-10x32 with an adjustable elevation turret, “HD” glass, and a 30mm maintube would kill.

Screenshot of the reticle for quick reference. I personally don’t mind it. Would like to see a fully different optic though and not these older designs. A mil based 2.5-10x32 with an adjustable elevation turret, “HD” glass, and a 30mm maintube would kill.

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What is the value of the dots between the diamonds?

I think there is a market for these. Some people will go for more full featured designs coming from China. Some will go for these with Japanese manufacturing and long track record of reliability and tracking. It is a big market and there is enough space in it for different approaches.
As far as the tree reticle goes, I spent quite a lot of time with it and I think it works well.
As is always the case, everyone has different personal preferences.

Explain how a 40 year old design out of Japan is better than a brand new design out of China with everything that has been learned in modern manufacturing and materials science? A modern Chinese scope for 400 bucks is better than anything leupold made 40 years ago, or any American made optic.

This is just another example of people living in the past and regurgitating shitty advice that they heard from somewhere else. No different than the casuals who still think AI and S&B are the pinnicale of the industry becuase they played counter strike in the 90s.
Well then post the list of better
Just about everything made oem for the likes of vortex, Athlon, Burris, ect.

Your comparing them to a fixed power 10x that was speced like 50 years ago to NSW...tasco won the contract due to retardation and had low make the optic. The Navy bought hardly any of them so SWFA started selling the design. At the time there were not many good inexpensive scopes ( under 300) so they SS was popular in the 90s and early 2000s as a starter scope. Today even the cheap scopes have features that back then would have cost you thousands. ( FFP, matching turrets, zero stop, adjustable side parralax, illumination, ect). These are a dated design with subpar glass that thrives in a market with no real competition. Today a strike eagle or venom ffp will blow them out of the water. It's not a knock on the SWFA, it's just a dated design and they sat on their ass and stopped improving them 15 years ago. The little 3-9 and 3-15 were decent scopes but the glass sucked and they feel like a Walmart toy compared to a modern optic.

Are you poor and limited to a sub $500 scope?
Do you like being stuck on one magnification?
Do you not want things like zero stop or illumination?
Do you want to ignore the rest of the market?

Then sure swfa fixed 10x may be the right choice for you.
Explain how a 40 year old design out of Japan is better than a brand new design out of China with everything that has been learned in modern manufacturing and materials science? A modern Chinese scope for 400 bucks is better than anything leupold made 40 years ago, or any American made optic.

This is just another example of people living in the past and regurgitating shitty advice that they heard from somewhere else. No different than the casuals who still think AI and S&B are the pinnicale of the industry becuase they played counter strike in the 90s.

I think the fallacy here is this line
everything that has been learned in modern manufacturing and materials science
Many chinese OEMs have improved dramatically, but this not a very high tech market. Assembly quality is still assembly quality.

As I said, we'll see how it goes.

If you’re shooting off the reticle and not dialing, the tree is nice.

While there may be better solutions, I have seven athlons and the same in Arkens, the fixed 6 works well for hunting where I hunt.

The last two game animals I missed, as in they ran off, were because I was dicking around with my scope magnification when I should have been shooting.
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Just about everything made oem for the likes of vortex, Athlon, Burris, ect.

Your comparing them to a fixed power 10x that was speced like 50 years ago to NSW...tasco won the contract due to retardation and had low make the optic. The Navy bought hardly any of them so SWFA started selling the design. At the time there were not many good inexpensive scopes ( under 300) so they SS was popular in the 90s and early 2000s as a starter scope. Today even the cheap scopes have features that back then would have cost you thousands. ( FFP, matching turrets, zero stop, adjustable side parralax, illumination, ect). These are a dated design with subpar glass that thrives in a market with no real competition. Today a strike eagle or venom ffp will blow them out of the water. It's not a knock on the SWFA, it's just a dated design and they sat on their ass and stopped improving them 15 years ago. The little 3-9 and 3-15 were decent scopes but the glass sucked and they feel like a Walmart toy compared to a modern optic.

Are you poor and limited to a sub $500 scope?
Do you like being stuck on one magnification?
Do you not want things like zero stop or illumination?
Do you want to ignore the rest of the market?

Then sure swfa fixed 10x may be the right choice for you.
I’m not comparing. I said to list better.
I can't say I am very interested but I am curious. I was certainly hoping for more than some lip stick on a pig. But hey it's a party. But seriously though, will these even still meet specs for the military contract? 🤣🤣🤣
I can't say I am very interested but I am curious. I was certainly hoping for more than some lip stick on a pig. But hey it's a party. But seriously though, will these even still meet specs for the military contract? 🤣🤣🤣
You're getting dangerously close there to the old "Hey, it's MIL-spec so it must be the best!" fallacy. Even though their fixed-power scopes originated in a government spec, SWFA doesn't make scopes for dot.gov and never has, as far as I know. Try to wrap your head around the possibility that a lot of shooters might desire characteristics in a scope that you (perhaps) don't value much, such as a no-frills design, very good build quality and solid, repeatable performance at a budget price. We don't all need or want a lot of bells and whistles in our scopes.
Just about everything made oem for the likes of vortex, Athlon, Burris, ect.

Your comparing them to a fixed power 10x that was speced like 50 years ago to NSW...tasco won the contract due to retardation and had low make the optic. The Navy bought hardly any of them so SWFA started selling the design. At the time there were not many good inexpensive scopes ( under 300) so they SS was popular in the 90s and early 2000s as a starter scope. Today even the cheap scopes have features that back then would have cost you thousands. ( FFP, matching turrets, zero stop, adjustable side parralax, illumination, ect). These are a dated design with subpar glass that thrives in a market with no real competition. Today a strike eagle or venom ffp will blow them out of the water. It's not a knock on the SWFA, it's just a dated design and they sat on their ass and stopped improving them 15 years ago. The little 3-9 and 3-15 were decent scopes but the glass sucked and they feel like a Walmart toy compared to a modern optic.

Are you poor and limited to a sub $500 scope?
Do you like being stuck on one magnification?
Do you not want things like zero stop or illumination?
Do you want to ignore the rest of the market?

Then sure swfa fixed 10x may be the right choice for you.
I simply love the SWFA fixed scopes. Reliable as a red brick. Zero frills. And because fuck you.
You're getting dangerously close there to the old "Hey, it's MIL-spec so it must be the best!" fallacy. Even though their fixed-power scopes originated in a government spec, SWFA doesn't make scopes for dot.gov and never has, as far as I know. Try to wrap your head around the possibility that a lot of shooters might desire characteristics in a scope that you (perhaps) don't value much, such as a no-frills design, very good build quality and solid, repeatable performance at a budget price. We don't all need or want a lot of bells and whistles in our scopes.

Very good build quality. On a scope that hasnt been released yet? You work for SWFA, there where you live on south TX?🤣🤣🤣

SWFA fixed power scope's turrets suck balls. They were ok circa 2010. Since then the market whized by while they were standing there chanting military contract with their hands in their pants.

The current market has a handful of 350 dollar scopes that do everything as well or better. And they are available.

I am not sure why you would expect me to state what other people want when giving my own opinion on it. I think their current line is probably selling like ketchup Popsicles. I don't see their "upgraded" scopes making much of a splash either. I know there are going to be a bunch of fan boys who claim these are equivalent to the next coming of Jesus no matter what the quality is compared to the competition.

I am still curious but getting much less interested as time passes.
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Very good build quality. On a scope that hasnt been released yet? You work for SWFA, there where you live on south TX?🤣🤣🤣

SWFA fixed power scope's turrets suck balls. They were ok circa 2010. Since then the market whized by while they were standing there chanting military contract with their hands in their pants.

The current market has a handful of 350 dollar scopes that do everything as well or better. And they are available.

I am not sure why you would expect me to state what other people want when giving my own opinion on it. I think their current line is probably selling like ketchup Popsicles. I don't see their "upgraded" scopes making much of a splash either. I know there are going to be a bunch of fan boys who claim these are equivalent to the next coming of Jesus no matter what the quality is compared to the competition.

I am still curious but getting much less interested as time passes.

I rest my case. :p


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