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Ar 15 Issue-Help Requested


Full Member
  • Nov 29, 2005
    ny state
    AR 15 Reloading
    Shooting factory ammo no problem.
    Wanted to try handloads
    Tried 69 gr Sierra reloads and all fired and fed well. Approx 20 rounds
    (been reloading > 20 years, rifle bench rest, and pistol)
    Used reloaded PMC cases
    FL resizing. Measured shoulder diameter and base. Diameters of resized brass match unfired brass. Shoulder set back is 2 Thou. Cases trimmed and annealed.
    Use Small base Bushing RL die
    OAL as per reloading manual for given bullets
    Tried Hornady E tips and another bullet, and they fed into the chamber, BCG in battery, and none of the primers had even a dent. The trigger fired each time....Click
    Came home and before I cleaned and lubed the rifle and BCG.
    Tried 3 empty cases with primers , no bullet , or powder!, and all fired .
    Thus the rifle feeds, firing pin is OK, Trigger group works, BCG is in battery....
    What could have been my problem?

    Thank you in advance for the assistance
    My first suspicion is that the bolt was “mostly” in battery. Enough to drop the hammer, but not enough for it to hit the firing pin.

    My suspicion is either the bullets are loaded just a bit too long and are jamming in the lands, or 2 thou is insufficient bump for your rifle. You may need to set aside some of the practices you learned for benchrest reloading…