AR disassembly, cleaning, & other basic info AR-101 (with 7.62 LMT MWS example) WITH PICS!


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • Jun 3, 2012

    <span style="color: #330099">Other links to get the most out of your AR:</span>[email protected]

    <span style="color: #000099">If you do not like my threads, then you don't need to read any further NOR get involved AT ALL in this thread. I will NOT tolerate any type of behavior that will misguide the purpose of this thread.</span>

    I'm in no way saying you should follow this example to the "T". Maybe just use this information as a good starting point, but please, do your own homework especially BEFORE you start cleaning your barrel!! The barrel is the main component in your AR system in my opinion! This is just what I do with my AR's and in this example, my LMT MWS. Everyone has their own way of doing things. Most of you already know this stuff and your methods are most likely better than mine. Feel free to post your own methods as maybe I can learn from those more knowledgeable than myself... All information is good information! But for those new to the AR platform, use this as an example, do your own homework before you start, and develop your own methods!

    Todd Hodnett- shooting on a clean bore - YouTube

    In my opinion, the #1 main concern when it comes to cleaning and maintaining your AR is your BARREL, especially the crown of the barrel. The most important part of your entire rifle is the last inch of barrel in my opinion. The smallest amount of damage to the crown can destroy the accuracy of any rifle!

    As for me and my AR's & maintaining my barrels I like to "follow the copper fouling crowd". What I mean by that is, I will only clean the copper out of my barrel until I really start to see accuracy fall off, and then I'll use a foaming bore cleaner to eliminate this copper build-up inside my barrel. Until my barrel gets to that point, I will only use CLP to clean my entire rifle including the barrel (which I will go into further detail LATER IN THIS THREAD)... DEVELOP YOUR OWN METHODS! DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK! It is really up TO YOU on how you take care of your barrel !!!!!! With that out of the way, lets start disassembly & cleaning of my LMT MWS!!

    This is seriously all I use to clean my LMT MWS. Nothing more, nothing less. Very simple. I WILL ONLY use the foaming bore cleaner & it's very own "foaming bore cleaner .308 snake" when I feel the need to clean the copper out of my barrel (as described above, and in further detail later in this thread). I clean my entire rifle with every single trip to the range, and WILL ONLY CLEAN OUT THE COPPER INSIDE OF MY BARREL when I see accuracy fall off... Other than that, it is rather easy!

    Always double check to see if your magazine / chamber is empty! DUH! Safety is #1 concern!

    I'll let these pictures do the talking. If you can't disassemble your AR rifle for cleaning purposes with these pictures, then you better just give your rifle to me.... I can't promise you'll get it back though! JK






    The firing pin will slide right out once you pull the pin as in the picture above!

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    AR disassembly, cleaning, & other basic info AR-101 (with 7.62 LMT MWS example) WITH PICS!




    You will notice what I call "carbon plaque" inside the bolt carrier main body & at the end of the bolt as in these pictures. This can be really really hard to get off.


    Once again, I'll let the pictures do the talking. You can never use enough CLP on each step! LOL




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    This is your extractor! Make sure this is clean!



    Nice clean firing pin

    Now that the bolt has been re-assembled (by obviously just reversing the above steps) I like to check it over to make sure there is no damage. Just a FYI, the pin that holds the brass ejector into the bolt can be hard to get back in with a new rifle, but over a period of time it will slide in and out like glass (it just needs a break in period time).... What is nice about my LMT is the bolt has 1 nice single solid ring (same as the piston in your car)..... Some AR's do not, and will actually have 3 total rings, so make sure the "gaps in the rings" do NOT line up... if they line up, then your bolt might not work properly!!

    Don't forget to clean out the gas ports!

    Just reverse the above steps obviously to re-assemble the bolt carrier group (BCG)... Don't forget to oil the bolt itself, and to oil the entire BCG.. Now that's one nice clean BCG!

    I like to clean my chamber after every use with a special .308 "AR-10" brush (yes, I need a new one! LOL). They also make them for the AR-15 .223


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    NOW, let me get this out of the way... DO NOT FOLLOW MY EXAMPLE HERE! DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK! This is what I do with my barrel !!! NOT what you do with your barrel !!!! There are 1000 + 1 ways of cleaning your barrel, so do your own homework and figure out which works best for YOU! This is just what I do with my AR's... DON'T F#CK UP YOUR BARREL!

    Make note that I have a snake JUST for CLP oil!

    Make note that I have a snake JUST for FOAM BORE CLEANER!


    Ok, with that being said.... I personally like to use snakes. The KEY TO USING SNAKES is to make sure you pull them out through the muzzle of the barrel (same direction as the bullet being shot out of the rifle) AS STRAIGHT AS POSSIBLE!!! Let me re-state that, pull the snake out of the barrel as straight as possible so you don't damage your barrel's crown! In my opinion, you really need to go out of your way to damage your barrel's crown by using a bore snake = the reason why I use them. Also, they are cheap, and when they get dirty (after about 10uses) you can clean them with soap / water & let dry for 2 days before using them again. No metal rod to damage your barrel's crown, and no expensive patches to purchase over time... I ONLY RUN THE SNAKE ONCE per cleaning. That's it! Make note that I have one snake for foam bore cleaner when I think copper fouling is becoming an issue (as described above in the beginning), and an extra snake for just CLP oil / general cleaning. It takes a LOT of rounds down the barrel to get to the point I think copper is becoming an issue. THIS IS WHERE YOU NEED TO DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!!

    IF AND ONLY IF, I think copper is an issue in my barrel (which is NOT often),,, then I'll use foam bore cleaner inside my barrel & let it sit for about 15minutes. The thing is when using foam bore cleaner for an AR rifle is the GAS TUBE!! YOU DO NOT want the foam cleaner getting inside the gas tube at all (as it can be sticky after a period of time plugging up your gas tube)!!!! So what I'll do is plug the gas tube with one finger, while spraying in the foam with the other hand! Try NOT to get any foam cleaner inside your chamber (push the plastic tube of the foam cleaner can tight to the end of the chamber as in the picture).... When I'm done running the "foam bore snake" I'll hit the gas tube with my air hose blowing any possible foam bore cleaner back into the barrel. THEN, I'll run my "CLP snake" getting any possible foam bore cleaner out of my barrel. Easy as that.

    (((READ THE ABOVE BEFORE YOU USE ANY FOAM BORE CLEANER AS IT WILL REMOVE COPPER FOULING! In my opinion, leaving some copper fouling inside your barrel will increase accuracy. TIME FOR YOUR HOMEWORK!!!)))

    MAKE SURE you pull the snake out of your barrel as straight as possible!!

    For general cleaning & after use of any foam bore cleaner I'll use my "CLP snake". Note that I put CLP oil on the brush part of the snake & about 6" from the end of the snake.



    Make sure you're ultra careful when cleaning the end of your barrel / muzzle break / compensator / blah blah blah. DO NOT DAMAGE YOUR CROWN! It never hurts to clean your muzzle break / compensator with an air-hose and just a soft rag as in this picture so you DO NOT damage the crown of your barrel. The last inch of your barrel is the most important part of the entire rifle!
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    The lower unit of your AR rifle needs very little cleaning. I'll let these pictures do the talking.


    Be ultra careful doing this, this spring / buffer will come flying out if you're not careful!





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    Now that pretty much everything is clean, it is time to put it all back together again. Just make sure the inside of the UPPER unit (DON"T OVER DO THIS) & the entire BCG (once again, don't over do this) is oiled before you re-assemble!


    Don't forget to clean your charge handle!

    DONE! Just reverse the above steps to put your rifle back together! You're AR is all clean & ready for use & storage.
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    You are officially the self appointed Kim Kardashian of the shooting world! Just you feel to compelled to post about every mundane thing you do or is there a selection process for which we should be thankful?
    Here we go again. Haters will just be haters. I guess when you don't have something constructive or intelligent to say you can always try and
    diminish the good work of others. Unbelievable.

    Another great "how to" post Elfster. Again, concise and easy to follow. I know many new shooters and the ever growing ranks of AR enthusiasts
    will appreciate your simple and clear approach. Illegitimi non Carborundum (macaronics version) or Noli sinere nothos te opprimere.
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    It's ok bro and thank you for your words. For every 10 people that enjoy these threads, there will always be one childish asshole.

    This might be mundane for you and myself, BUT for those that are just starting out on the AR platform and have never touched an AR in their life, I'm sure they will appreciate a thread like this.... Even those that know the platform well and would like to see a LMT MWS down to the bare bones. Regardless, this thread is not about me & it never will be & I think I go out of my way to help others especially with the amount of private message questions I get and answer during the week. I even started out the thread welcoming others to post their own methods and experiences with the AR platform & to see where this thread would go from there. I'm always looking to learn myself.

    As for children like 19scout77, there is a special place for them on BTW, I have nothing against Kim Kardashian,,,, that is one nice ass!

    Here we go again. Haters will just be haters. I guess when you don't have something constructive or intelligent to say you can always try and
    diminish the good work of others. Unbelievable.

    Another great "how to" post Elfster. Again, concise and easy to follow. I know many new shooters and the ever growing ranks of AR enthusiasts
    will appreciate your simple and clear approach. Illegitimi non Carborundum (macaronics version) or Noli sinere nothos te opprimere.
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    Thanks for the great post elfster. As a visual learner, I find your posts really helpful. Plenty of stuff I could certainly figure out on my own, but it's really nice to have it all laid out for me.
    Excellent reference. Thanks!

    On my MWS I follow a similar procedure, though I am no bore snake fan. I use an Otis kit for this level of cleaning and a dewey rod when after copper.

    For fluids I am a fan of slip products. I find their oil doesn't burn off nearly as quickly as break free. The 725 cleaning fluid makes quick work of any carbon fouling to include in the bore. I know it is heresy, but in hot weather I like a dab of grease on the rails and cam pin. Slip for chemical compatibility with the oil.

    When I feel the need to go after copper, which is every few hundred rounds, more because I get nervous than any other reason, I use Butch's.

    When out of fancy stuff I find dish detergent and water with a lube job of 10w-30 works as well!
    that's awesome information! thank you for sharing & will take into consideration! I've been thinking about using 10w-30 / synthetic myself.... many good posts on this info.

    once again, thanks!

    Excellent reference. Thanks!

    On my MWS I follow a similar procedure, though I am no bore snake fan. I use an Otis kit for this level of cleaning and a dewey rod when after copper.

    For fluids I am a fan of slip products. I find their oil doesn't burn off nearly as quickly as break free. The 725 cleaning fluid makes quick work of any carbon fouling to include in the bore. I know it is heresy, but in hot weather I like a dab of grease on the rails and cam pin. Slip for chemical compatibility with the oil.

    When I feel the need to go after copper, which is every few hundred rounds, more because I get nervous than any other reason, I use Butch's.

    When out of fancy stuff I find dish detergent and water with a lube job of 10w-30 works as well!
    I guess one could do a Google search on " how to clean an AR15 " to see if this thread was really necessary; or is someone craving attention? Perhaps one should do a little research on a senior member's abilities and contribution to this site before running their "piehole"! I am certain that 99.99 % of the members on here have absolutely no use for your selfserving, gloating thread. Ironic that you start a thread so fitting to be on; yet you suggest someone else should go there! Put that garbage on youtube along w/ your girlfriend w/ fat feet that you seem to desire so much! Better yet "feel free" to post your video w/ JayZ!
    what did I tell your mom about walking around in high heels?!? she could seriously break her fat ankles.

    Trolling lately? if you don't like my threads then why open it dumb ass..... shut it

    I guess one could do a Google search on " how to clean an AR15 " to see if this thread was really necessary; or is someone craving attention? Perhaps one should do a little research on a senior member's abilities and contribution to this site before running their "piehole"! I am certain that 99.99 % of the members on here have absolutely no use for your selfserving, gloating thread. Ironic that you start a thread so fitting to be on; yet you suggest someone else should go there! Put that garbage on youtube along w/ your girlfriend w/ fat feet that you seem to desire so much! Better yet "feel free" to post your video w/ JayZ!
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    what did I tell your mom about walking around in high heels?!? she could seriously break her fat ankles.

    Trolling lately? if you don't like my threads then why open it dumb ass..... shut it

    Change the title to "tits on a bull"; looking forward to your *******EPIC instructional Video on hearing protection W/ PICS*********A MUST SEE********! Get off my mom and I'll get of yours!
    Change the title to "tits on a bull"; looking forward to your *******EPIC instructional Video on hearing protection W/ PICS*********A MUST SEE********! Get off my mom and I'll get of yours!

    Dude if you don't like the post, keep it to yourself. Yeah everyone knows how to clean a combat AR. But methods of cleaning a precision oriented AR varies from user to user, just like cleaning precision bolt guns. I knew how to clean an AR before reading this post, but I thought it was informative to see how someone else cares for their weapon, and our methods vary. Don't like it? That's cool, but don't be an ass...
    Dude if you don't like the post, keep it to yourself. Yeah everyone knows how to clean a combat AR. But methods of cleaning a precision oriented AR varies from user to user, just like cleaning precision bolt guns. I knew how to clean an AR before reading this post, but I thought it was informative to see how someone else cares for their weapon, and our methods vary. Don't like it? That's cool, but don't be an ass...

    It's not his post so much as his delivery! All this "look at me" bs! Explain to me how this differs from any AR; combat or not and right after that if you would so kind enough to pissoff!
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    Elfster1234 Thanks for putting this thread up. I appreciate and enjoy your efforts and often learn something from them. As for Turk and his comments, I don't come to Snipers Hide to hear crap like that and I'll bet 99% of the others here don't either.
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    It's not his post so much as his delivery! All this "look at me" bs!
    It's just like is not required to watch at all. If the delivery in a threat is to one's dislike, move to a threat that one finds valuable rather than trying to redirect one with issues of delivery vs differences of option or, the best opportunity, the free exchange of information. Free exchange of information is an exchange of value, a very important part of human existence. And if peeing on the free exchange is all one wants to do, well, it is just a waste of time...

    I'd welcome your input if you have something to add.
    It's just like is not required to watch at all. If the delivery in a threat is to one's dislike, move to a threat that one finds valuable rather than trying to redirect one with issues of delivery vs differences of option or, the best opportunity, the free exchange of information. Free exchange of information is an exchange of value, a very important part of human existence. And if peeing on the free exchange is all one wants to do, well, it is just a waste of time...

    I'd welcome your input if you have something to add.

    ESL Perchance?
    First and foremost, the thing about people such as Turk, Strac, and other A-holes like these guys that troll forums looking for a fight is I don't need to say anything more about them... The more they whine about an entry level informational internet thread = the more they look like childish morons. Grow up guys, seriously....

    Second, yes..... you can watch a video on this information. Some watch movies, and some read books.... well, those that can read.... there is nothing wrong with actually reading for a change. There was a point in time when TV's didn't exist. I know, it's crazy.

    Third, the threads I produce have nothing to do with me OR me trying to be egotistical what so ever.... I get many PM questions during the week from people starting out with AR's for the first time & all the way up to very hard reloading questions & ballistics. Hell, even I'm still learning as I go... The only thing I'm trying to do is inform others with my own personal experience and knowledge about shooting AR's / reloading WHILE also trying to get people to participate and interact with such knowledge (as in my 30round 6group 5shot-each SHOOTOUT threads). The only thing I've shown in these threads is my love for the sport & hobby. The threads I produce cost me MY time and money, not YOUR time and money. If you don't like my threads, then don't read them.. simple as that.......... but if you do read my threads that try to cover the entire spectrum from the beginner that has never owned / touched an AR in their entire life (as in this thread AR-101) & all the way through to the more experienced rifleman (as in example my EPIC AR journey based on reloading / ballistics),,, then it hasn't cost you a dime and that is a pretty good deal FOR YOU if you ask me. You are out NO money and NO time invested, and you have only gained a small chunk of knowledge...... I have never been one to say I know everything, but I try my best to inform others with my own personal experience and what I've learned over the years AND if you complain about me putting such knowledge down on paper,,,,, well, then that says a WHOLE bunch about YOU and not me..... and to this very day I try to learn something new on a daily basis especially from more experience people on the HIDE. Now, with that being said, when it is my time FOR ME to learn from more experienced people on the hide like lowlight, then it is MIND and EARS open,,,,,, & MOUTH shut closed. Those that are successful in life tend to surround themselves by other successful people and I'll go out of my way to make a friend here on snipers hide on a daily basis. This way I can make myself a better person. I really do enjoy helping others. That's it.

    If the above "delivery" bothers you, then you are the one with the issues... Not me my friend. Grow up.

    Enough said.
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    It's just like is not required to watch at all. If the delivery in a threat is to one's dislike, move to a threat that one finds valuable rather than trying to redirect one with issues of delivery vs differences of option or, the best opportunity, the free exchange of information. Free exchange of information is an exchange of value, a very important part of human existence. And if peeing on the free exchange is all one wants to do, well, it is just a waste of time...

    I'd welcome your input if you have something to add.
    If you happen to find "value" in this thread; good for you! My point being is that there is no need for stuff like******EPIC W/ PIC*****FEEL FREE TO WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS******bs! The term "SELP PROCLAIMED" as stated by another member pretty much sums it up. Regardless, I respect your opinion as far as exchanging information, so I'll let it go at that!
    If you happen to find "value" in this thread; good for you! My point being is that there is no need for stuff like******EPIC W/ PIC*****FEEL FREE TO WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS******bs! The term "SELP PROCLAIMED" as stated by another member pretty much sums it up. Regardless, I respect your opinion as far as exchanging information, so I'll let it go at that!

    Enough said, time to move on. Water under the bridge in my book.

    First and foremost, the thing about people such as Turk, Strac, and other A-holes like these guys that troll forums looking for a fight is I don't need to say anything more about them... The more they whine about an entry level informational internet thread = the more they look like childish morons. Grow up guys, seriously....

    Second, yes..... you can watch a video on this information. Some watch movies, and some read books.... well, those that can read.... there is nothing wrong with actually reading for a change. There was a point in time when TV's didn't exist. I know, it's crazy.

    Third, the threads I produce have nothing to do with me OR me trying to be egotistical what so ever.... I get many PM questions during the week from people starting out with AR's for the first time & all the way up to very hard reloading questions & ballistics. Hell, even I'm still learning as I go... The only thing I'm trying to do is inform others with my own personal experience and knowledge about shooting AR's / reloading WHILE also trying to get people to participate and interact with such knowledge (as in my 30round 6group 5shot-each SHOOTOUT threads). The only thing I've shown in these threads is my love for the sport & hobby. The threads I produce cost me MY time and money, not YOUR time and money. If you don't like my threads, then don't read them.. simple as that.......... but if you do read my threads that try to cover the entire spectrum from the beginner that has never owned / touched an AR in their entire life (as in this thread AR-101) & all the way through to the more experienced rifleman (as in example my EPIC AR journey based on reloading / ballistics),,, then it hasn't cost you a dime and that is a pretty good deal FOR YOU if you ask me. You are out NO money and NO time invested, and you have only gained a small chunk of knowledge...... I have never been one to say I know everything, but I try my best to inform others with my own personal experience and what I've learned over the years AND if you complain about me putting such knowledge down on paper,,,,, well, then that says a WHOLE bunch about YOU and not me..... and to this very day I try to learn something new on a daily basis especially from more experience people on the HIDE. Now, with that being said, when it is my time FOR ME to learn from more experienced people on the hide like lowlight, then it is MIND and EARS open,,,,,, & MOUTH shut closed. Those that are successful in life tend to surround themselves by other successful people and I'll go out of my way to make a friend here on snipers hide on a daily basis. This way I can make myself a better person. I really do enjoy helping others. That's it.

    If the above "delivery" bothers you, then you are the one with the issues... Not me my friend. Grow up.

    Enough said.
    There have been many knowledgable, experienced members on here of which you could never fill their shoes. They've passed along valuable information to others for years w/out craving the attention that you seem to thrive on. If you insist on using profanity I kindly request that you PM me so we can exchange information!
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    As previously stated, once again, I don't need to say anything. You just continue to dig your hole deeper.

    If you wanted to PM as stated below, then you should've PM'd me your issues with me & my threads from the get go... NOT posting them on here turning this thread into something it should not be. I think it is safe to say more people find the info helpful rather than complain about it.

    There have been many knowledgable, experienced members on here of which you could never fill their shoes. They've passed along valuable information to others for years w/out craving the attention that you seem to thrive on. If you insist on using profanity I kindly request hat you PM me so we can exchange information!
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    Never ceases to amaze me how people can have such a "Tough guy" attitude talking shit over the internet.
    FYI guys! There are others here on the "Hide" that have never own or shot an AR15 or even a bolt gun. The information posted can and is valuable to some.
    If it aint nothing to you than move on buddy.
    Lil' over the top Turk, don't you think? It baffles me that gun enthusiasts, a reviled, feared and put upon group in America if ever there was one, can always seem to find the energy to turn against their fellow shooters over the silliest things. Apparently "tone" is all it takes for one gun owner to get his panties in a knot, jump into a thread, and start denigrating another. I've seen better attitudes from women with PMS. No wonder we’re fighting an uphill public relations battle. Yup. “We have met the enemy and he is us.”