AR10 Upper receiver in 6.5 Creedmoor. Here's a list of parts:
Barrel: Craddock Precision 18" barrel, criterion blank, Rifle +1 gas; I believe the twist is 1-8.
Handguard: KAC URX 4 for the SR25, 15" length.
Gas block: Superlative arms adjustable bleed off GB. <<<< a small hole was drilled in the bottom of the handguard to tighten the set screw.
BCG: JP Enterprises LMOS BCG with Enhanced Bolt
Receiver: SMF Tactical SR-25 / Armalite pattern. (The "slant cut" receivers that fit LMT, Larue, Noveske, KAC, Armalite, Stag, Diamondback pattern lowers).
$1500 for the upper shipped. If you want the Larue lower pictured below, +400 = $1900 shipped for the complete rifle.
Barrel: Craddock Precision 18" barrel, criterion blank, Rifle +1 gas; I believe the twist is 1-8.
Handguard: KAC URX 4 for the SR25, 15" length.
Gas block: Superlative arms adjustable bleed off GB. <<<< a small hole was drilled in the bottom of the handguard to tighten the set screw.
BCG: JP Enterprises LMOS BCG with Enhanced Bolt
Receiver: SMF Tactical SR-25 / Armalite pattern. (The "slant cut" receivers that fit LMT, Larue, Noveske, KAC, Armalite, Stag, Diamondback pattern lowers).
$1500 for the upper shipped. If you want the Larue lower pictured below, +400 = $1900 shipped for the complete rifle.
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