Just a quick follow up here...I got the XYLO I bought from a member here on the Hide Tuesday and put my Vudoo in it....My two big concerns were will it feed and will it balance under 20lbs.
I ran 15 un-fired rounds through 1 of my Polymer mags with the MK+ 5 extension and it fed flawlessly with the standard mag latch. I did order and have in hand the extended mag latch that
@jbell suggested so if I have any issues I can swap it out.
The Vudoo mags fit nice and snug front to back but are a little sloppy side to side which is an easy fix if its a problem.
The Vudoo 360 with a 22" MTU balances perfect right at the muzzle side of the mag well with no weights and is at 16.4lbs on my shitty bathroom scale. I know not the perfect balance point but this rifle will be very easy to balance a couple of inches in front of the mag well with the addition of a couple of weights and still be well under 20lbs.