Are these safe to fire?


Oct 28, 2009
I was giving a few 'rat busters' the .22 round that has like 5 wee ball bearings in them so they don't ricochet, but they're old (as you can't buy them here anymore) and there's some green and white corrosion on them.

would it be alright to buff it of with some fine steel wool?

Can't say for sure. Other more experienced folks may be more definite but I would say "no" to "very little or insignificant". I think the biggest factor would be the material the shot is made of. Lead would be a non-issue I would think (again YMMV) but steel could be bad. Get a magnet and make sure they are not ferrous.

The pattern through a rifle will be totally useless for anything but a few yards... that I can say for sure. I'd let you shoot me with one as long as I could hide my face and stand 15-20 yds away. ;) (not really, but almost)
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