I have thought of bringing my secondary carry that I had during the mostly peaceful protests of 2020. My EDC is an M&P 9 mm with 17 rd double stack mag, 2 extra mags. At that time, I was also carrying another 150 rds in my man purse, AKA tactical ruck, also branded S&W. I still carry that to hold mags.
My secondary was my Windham Weaponry Dissipator M4 A3 in 5.56. 30 rd mags. One mag in, one in the pipe, safety on. 5 more 30 rd mags in the pouches of my non-descript bag that I would carry without great affair or nervousness into my office to put under my desk.
Granted, I work in the part of town where actual work happens. Like garlic and vampires, it wards off most protesters because, ew, work. Likely to break out in a sweat and with aches and stuff.
But I don't go looking for trouble. Work, store, visit my wife, then home.