Hello MJ, I can't speak to the 419 457 but I can tell you that my 457 MTR shoots nearly as well or as well as my Vudoo. These are old photos and I didn't shoot these with the tuner on. The 457 cost me about 750.00 and the Vudoo plus the MDT LXS chassis and a Trigger Tech Diamond trigger set at 6 oz. was about 3300.00. The 457 is stock except for a Yo Dave trigger spring kit that brings the trigger down to a crisp 9 oz. and an AREA 419 bolt knob. I would never even consider putting on a new bbl. on the CZ because she shoots great ! The shot outside of the dime was my fault.
Currently I have my Trijicon 5-50x56 scope on the CZ and that is very nice as well. 1800.00 from B&H photo. They have a 30 day return policy. I would recommend the AREA 419 scope rail and their bolt knob is a MUST have item.
Both guns are about six months old now and they are all set up. Minus the scope, I think I have
1230.0 into the CZ and 4460.00 into the Vudoo. Keeping in mind that I have 20 mags for her and a real Atlas bi-pod and she is totally loaded with weights now. In fact, with scope she is 18 lbs. I went all out on my Vudoo as it will be a one time / lifetime purchase. BTW.... they have a lifetime warranty
unlike all of my other guns.
If you manage your hold and trigger control, I can hardly imagine that the CZ would fall short of your needs. BTW..... I shoot SK red out of everything I own. It is 65.00 a brick from Target Sports USA.
Hope this helps....