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Training Courses Arena Training Facility-Long Range Precision Rifle Class


Manners Stocks Support Team
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  • Aug 20, 2009
    Oak Grove, Louisiana
    Hey Guys, super pumped to partner with one of of my favorite ranges in the country. This will be a limited size class to keep flow and student/instructor ratio on point. We will be going out to 1,000 yards with the ability to go farther. Lodging available on-site if you're interested.

    This course will be 2 days with lunch provided by Manners Stocks.

    We will go over most all topics related to being a proficient and effective long range marksman. Things will start out general and applicable to Basic Precision long range in both shooter and gear and will move into some topics specific to competition, hunting, and field shooting. We will go over different methods to reach the same end goals in an effort to give you multiple options to put into your arsenal of tactics to learn how to problem solve and deliver accurate rounds on steel efficiently from multiple positions.

    We have schoolhouse rifles built by G.A Precision ready to rent as well as Hornady Match ammo available if needed.

    Please reach out with any questions!

    See you on the range!
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    If anyone is unsure about this let me shed some light on who Robert is. I consider him a friend as well as a mentor and there few if any who are more qualified to teach long range precision rifle. From winning the king of two mile, to many podium finishes at national 2 day PRS matches, Robert’s skills and knowledge run deep. He is also one of the absolute nicest guys in the industry and doesn’t have an ounce of arrogance to him that so many Instructors exhibit and intimidate students. You can buy all the gear you want but nothing is more valuable than training from a top level pro shooter. Take this class with extreme confidence. I also agree with Robert that this is one of top ranges in the country and I made the drive from New York down to Georgia twice a year to go shoot there because I enjoyed it so much. The on-site lodging is as convenient as it gets as well.
    If anyone is unsure about this let me shed some light on who Robert is. I consider him a friend as well as a mentor and there few if any who are more qualified to teach long range precision rifle. From winning the king of two mile, to many podium finishes at national 2 day PRS matches, Robert’s skills and knowledge run deep. He is also one of the absolute nicest guys in the industry and doesn’t have an ounce of arrogance to him that so many Instructors exhibit and intimidate students. You can buy all the gear you want but nothing is more valuable than training from a top level pro shooter. Take this class with extreme confidence. I also agree with Robert that this is one of top ranges in the country and I made the drive from New York down to Georgia twice a year to go shoot there because I enjoyed it so much. The on-site lodging is as convenient as it gets as well.
    Thanks man, means a lot to hear! I’m honored to work with these guys as well!

    Hope to see you down south again before too much longer!
    Hey y’all, we’re definitely looking at doing some more. Thinking early May if possible for the next!

    Any particular flavor of shooting y’all wanting?

    Long range hunting?
    Basic precision rifle?
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    Hey y’all, we’re definitely looking at doing some more. Thinking early May if possible for the next!

    Any particular flavor of shooting y’all wanting?

    Long range hunting?
    Basic precision rifle?
    If you do it in early May, I will try to be the first one signed up. I was the one who asked on FB if this was an appropriate class for a beginner that has never shot past 550 yards. Once I talked to the wife about it (budget, and all that, lol), I went back to sign up and it was full. PLUS The Arena is only a little over two hours of driving for me.

    So, as for your question about particular flavor, anything that teaches me what I need to be doing and provides me some of the basic skill sets so that I can start becoming more familiar with how to shoot a precision rifle at distance . . . it sounds like the March class would have been perfect for that.
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    If you do it in early May, I will try to be the first one signed up. I was the one who asked on FB if this was an appropriate class for a beginner that has never shot past 550 yards. Once I talked to the wife about it (budget, and all that, lol), I went back to sign up and it was full. PLUS The Arena is only a little over two hours of driving for me.

    So, as for your question about particular flavor, anything that teaches me what I need to be doing and provides me some of the basic skill sets so that I can start becoming more familiar with how to shoot a precision rifle at distance . . . it sounds like the March class would have been perfect for that.
    Great info! I’ll be at arena next month and will be working to schedule the next one and will report back with dates and info.

    Thank you!

    4 spots remain for our long range precision course at the awesome Arena Training Facility. 2400 acres of shooting ranges and/or pig hunting! UKD Range with steel from 200-2400 yards, multiple props, Cabins available onsite, and extra fun to be had after hours. Schoolhouse rifles built by G.A. Precision available with Hornady Match ammo if needed.

    Let me know if you have any questions, feel free to pass on anyone you may think could benefit!
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    Two day precision rifle course taught by Robert Brantley at The Arena Training Facility in Blakely, Georgia.

    This is an excellent training facility that has everything you need for any kind of weapons training and caters to military customers (everything from enough acreage on the ground for airborne assaults to close quarters indoor battle with catwalks for instructors overhead, to a 40 foot tall shooting platform with about a mile and a half shooting range).

    The class starts with the fundamentals, setting up your equipment, how to use a data solver, setting up your rifle and optics for your own body, obtaining a zero on the rifle, muzzle velocity, and so on, before proceeding out to the UKD range and engaging targets at distance.

    We then shot, starting off the bench with a bipod and sand bag, at various distances, starting at 400 yards or so and moving out to 619, 850, and then . . . The course went to 1217 yards (3651 feet, so over half a mile, .6914772 miles), and I was pretty easily engaging the man-sized target, so I ended up switching over to what I called "The Little Piggy" and found I could hit that, too.

    Reading the wind was emphasized heavily during this portion. This turned out to be more difficult than I thought. I assumed that if the wind is blowing left to right, that it changes the point of impact to the right, and that is all. I was not aware that it also changes the elevation, and the change is different depending upon the direction of the wind. This does not really show up at the distances I had shot previously (out to about 525 yards), but it does show up beyond that.

    Then we moved to positional shooting off various barricades, like the skill set barricade, the stairs, rocks, and so on. Robert Brantley spent a good deal of time with us on getting on target more quickly and being more stable in positions, which are the main reasons I took the course.

    I improved in every way, and reached out much further than I ever had.

    My rifle went down during the course. It appears that bad primers (half a dozen were pierced) blew metal back and killed my trigger, so that the gun fired when chambering.

    The instructor, Robert Brantley, had not only a new trigger with him, but ammunition to fit my gun (minus the defective primers), so we tore it down and got it back up and running. He also had the owners of the action company and the trigger company on speed dial and was able to speak and text them, on a weekend, to narrow down the cause of the malfunction and get the rifle running again. He reached out to a contact at Hornady, but they did not reply over the weekend.

    Recommendation - this class was outstanding. If you are interested in getting into precision rifle, I recommend taking a course from Robert. It is not a problem if you do not have a rifle. He brings with him at least four rifles properly equipped for precision rifle shooting. In fact, I used one while my rifle was down - Trump Stick 1, a Defiance action and Bartlein barrel on a custom red, white and blue camouflage Manners stock, which I understand is the only one of the series of three not in the hands of a Trump family member (Eric and Donald Jr. own the other two). it is visible in the photograph below.

    Do not hesitate to take a class from Robert Brantley. He is serious about teaching, and he alters his course to meet the needs of the students in front of him and address those needs.

    Me shooting off the rocks Sunday. Kneepads, but still cut up my knees (you can see the right one is slipped down, but I kept at what I was doing). That is a mud and rock slope under me with over six feet of change in elevation. We were learning here to engage two targets at two different distances from five different positions. Get on target, stability, holdover, etc., were skills being developed here under the watchful eye of an experienced instructor.

    Will you be coming to any of the open range days?


    Two day precision rifle course taught by Robert Brantley at The Arena Training Facility in Blakely, Georgia.

    This is an excellent training facility that has everything you need for any kind of weapons training and caters to military customers (everything from enough acreage on the ground for airborne assaults to close quarters indoor battle with catwalks for instructors overhead, to a 40 foot tall shooting platform with about a mile and a half shooting range).

    The class starts with the fundamentals, setting up your equipment, how to use a data solver, setting up your rifle and optics for your own body, obtaining a zero on the rifle, muzzle velocity, and so on, before proceeding out to the UKD range and engaging targets at distance.

    We then shot, starting off the bench with a bipod and sand bag, at various distances, starting at 400 yards or so and moving out to 619, 850, and then . . . The course went to 1217 yards (3651 feet, so over half a mile, .6914772 miles), and I was pretty easily engaging the man-sized target, so I ended up switching over to what I called "The Little Piggy" and found I could hit that, too.

    Reading the wind was emphasized heavily during this portion. This turned out to be more difficult than I thought. I assumed that if the wind is blowing left to right, that it changes the point of impact to the right, and that is all. I was not aware that it also changes the elevation, and the change is different depending upon the direction of the wind. This does not really show up at the distances I had shot previously (out to about 525 yards), but it does show up beyond that.

    Then we moved to positional shooting off various barricades, like the skill set barricade, the stairs, rocks, and so on. Robert Brantley spent a good deal of time with us on getting on target more quickly and being more stable in positions, which are the main reasons I took the course.

    I improved in every way, and reached out much further than I ever had.

    My rifle went down during the course. It appears that bad primers (half a dozen were pierced) blew metal back and killed my trigger, so that the gun fired when chambering.

    The instructor, Robert Brantley, had not only a new trigger with him, but ammunition to fit my gun (minus the defective primers), so we tore it down and got it back up and running. He also had the owners of the action company and the trigger company on speed dial and was able to speak and text them, on a weekend, to narrow down the cause of the malfunction and get the rifle running again. He reached out to a contact at Hornady, but they did not reply over the weekend.

    Recommendation - this class was outstanding. If you are interested in getting into precision rifle, I recommend taking a course from Robert. It is not a problem if you do not have a rifle. He brings with him at least four rifles properly equipped for precision rifle shooting. In fact, I used one while my rifle was down - Trump Stick 1, a Defiance action and Bartlein barrel on a custom red, white and blue camouflage Manners stock, which I understand is the only one of the series of three not in the hands of a Trump family member (Eric and Donald Jr. own the other two). it is visible in the photograph below.

    Do not hesitate to take a class from Robert Brantley. He is serious about teaching, and he alters his course to meet the needs of the students in front of him and address those needs.

    Me shooting off the rocks Sunday. Kneepads, but still cut up my knees (you can see the right one is slipped down, but I kept at what I was doing). That is a mud and rock slope under me with over six feet of change in elevation. We were learning here to engage two targets at two different distances from five different positions. Get on target, stability, holdover, etc., were skills being developed here under the watchful eye of an experienced instructor.

    View attachment 8145081
    Thanks @Malum Prohibitum for the kind words and for coming out! You were awesome and I think you're going to keep upping your points as you go on!

    At 1200 something yards I saw you go 3/3 on a piglet (not a hog) so I know you got it in you!

    I too learned a lot at the class and the lessons learned will be implemented in future courses. The rest of the group was awesome as well! I am already putting things together for the next one!
    Being a retired educator, Robert quite effectively gets difficult, and quite technical information across in a manner that is understandable and engaging.

    He is a hands on fellow who won’t quit and wont let his students quit.

    He is a fine fellow to boot.

    So, despite my son not doing what I asked (wack me upside the head if I did not keep my mouth shut) I did some things I never dreamed I could do, repeated them this past Thursday and Sunday at Altus, and felt a tinge of sadness when we were driving away from Arena

    Money well spent.
    Being a retired educator, Robert quite effectively gets difficult, and quite technical information across in a manner that is understandable and engaging.

    He is a hands on fellow who won’t quit and wont let his students quit.

    He is a fine fellow to boot.

    So, despite my son not doing what I asked (wack me upside the head if I did not keep my mouth shut) I did some things I never dreamed I could do, repeated them this past Thursday and Sunday at Altus, and felt a tinge of sadness when we were driving away from Arena

    Money well spent.
    Thanks man, I really enjoyed y'all coming out! Hope to catch you on the range sooner than later! Next rounds of PB&J is on me!
    Closest range to you to my knowledge is Gunsite Hills in Lexington. Heard Chief is a good guy as long as you follow the rules. No experience myself though. I think his range goes out to 800 yards.
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    Closest range to you to my knowledge is Gunsite Hills in Lexington. Heard Chief is a good guy as long as you follow the rules. No experience myself though. I think his range goes out to 800 yards.
    I'm definitely headed that way soon. Have heard mostly good things. He's only 20 minutes from me.
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    @RobertB Will you be coming back to Arena in 2024? Would love to sign up next year.
    I’m not opposed to it. I’m currently working at a range in central Ms that has great onsite lodging as well as a very nice tang for classes. We’ve just got started and working on range improvements to keep it going! We shoot out to 1250 from the building and features many props.

    Hit me up if I can help in any way! We’re mostly doing agency work and 1/1 at the moment but we want to get some classes scheduled here soon!

    Hey Guys, super pumped to partner with one of of my favorite ranges in the country. This will be a limited size class to keep flow and student/instructor ratio on point. We will be going out to 1,000 yards with the ability to go farther. Lodging available on-site if you're interested.

    This course will be 2 days with lunch provided by Manners Stocks.

    We will go over most all topics related to being a proficient and effective long range marksman. Things will start out general and applicable to Basic Precision long range in both shooter and gear and will move into some topics specific to competition, hunting, and field shooting. We will go over different methods to reach the same end goals in an effort to give you multiple options to put into your arsenal of tactics to learn how to problem solve and deliver accurate rounds on steel efficiently from multiple positions.

    We have schoolhouse rifles built by G.A Precision ready to rent as well as Hornady Match ammo available if needed.

    Please reach out with any questions!

    See you on the range!
    Great just the medicine need Slight change in arms there will be a 40-x in 243 Win instead of the 223 as well as the M 24 and the 338 LM. Is there any of the three that wont get enough use to justify bringing it. No problem for me I will be using an expedition. I have should have 2 pair of 10x50 German Bios I can bring some 7x50 in needed. also I have a Kestrel with the Zig kilo4 plus my i phone. What time Saturday morning.
    I’m not opposed to it. I’m currently working at a range in central Ms that has great onsite lodging as well as a very nice tang for classes. We’ve just got started and working on range improvements to keep it going! We shoot out to 1250 from the building and features many props.

    Hit me up if I can help in any way! We’re mostly doing agency work and 1/1 at the moment but we want to get some classes scheduled here soon!

    I will consider next year also where ever