Unless you are driving a pretty old automobile, they can cut your car off, remotely.
Don't worry about getting gasoline.
They aren't coming to get your guns, until they've tightened everyone's belts considerably. Then, it'll be just like '34. Pretty hard to worry about your AR15, when your kids haven't eaten in a few days or week.
You'll hand them in....most of you will. If you don't, your neighbor will turn you in for a loaf of bread. Oh no, not that liberal neighbor, that neighbor that you've known all your life, good friends, yall used to hang out, drink beer and talk about guns....
Its not just coming...its almost here.
Juuuust a little while longer to prepare the way.
The store shelves are empty even now.
In 53 years, I've never seen an empty food store shelf in this country that I love. Its not our country anymore.
You'll own nothing, and you'll love it.....or they'll put you in a ditch.