Athlon Cronus ATS 50-640 Thermal Scope


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Aug 21, 2018
So, Mr. Doug @cameraland
I was poking around and came across this thermal as a preorder that caught my eye.

I'm more suited for the traditional scope tupe thermal housing and units and wondered if anyone knew dome additional info beyond what is shown?
How it would compare yo many others etc.
I'll be purchasing an iray th50-c soon for myself, but with multiple kids, I'm sure I won't be night yote slinging alone.
I have had an in depth chat with my buddy at Athlon. Their Thermals seem to check all the boxes and are either, spec wise, equal to or superior to the competition and are less expensive. At this time I can only comment on specs as until something is out in the field for a while it is senseless to give a review.

My pleasure to assist you with the iRay you're looking for as well as these Athlons