Athlon Helos BTR 4-12x42 MIL/MOA question..


Mar 10, 2019
Had intended to order a Athlon Helos BTR Gen 2 2-12x42 with donut of death MIL reticle for a CZ 457 22LR. Intended purpose, fooling around at the range, stretching out a bit, gettin a bit better without burning through vast quantities of powder or having to reload. And possibly occasional varmint eradication in the back yard, as legality permits.
Fat fingered it when ordering, ordered MOA version with cross hairs instead of MIL version with center dot. Only other rifle is a 7 Mag with super chicken 3-9x42 MIL.
Question I have, for a weekend, probably more couple times a month, shooting, and probably between 25-150-200 yards if that with 22..
Am I jumping over mole hills to send this one back, get the MIL reticle version?
And for anybody that's tried both versions, which do you prefer, the MIL w center dot, or MOA w cross hair?
I've ran mixed....Mil/Mil...MOA/MOA.

Once you learn and understand understand basically both. They function basically the same. Dialing 7 MOA or 2 Mils....dial what you need for the yardages. Measure misses in the scope what you miss by and apply it to the knobs directly. What a mil or MOA is in linear measure means Jack squat to the task.

For example, you don't sweat what 55mph equals in inches or cm over time traveled. You just sweat what road your on and what the speed limit is and what the speedo says.

Here you sweat what the distance is to target. The dope in Mils/MOA to hit it. And what the turret says.

Buy what you want. It's your money. No sense running a MOA scope if you didn't want it. Send it back. It isn't even about angular unit of measure. It's about getting what you want because your paying for it.
I've got 4 scopes with MOA and find it's easy to adjust holds and measure POI variances. All my scopes are FFP so the reticle is always accurate to measure with. 1x 6-18x50 Bushnell Engage, 2x 6-+24x50 Covenant, 1x 8-36-56 Athlon argos.
Sorry I didn't check for replys. ALL my scope are MOA and 'Christmas trees' with bars at each MOA. NOT BDC !! That's only good for 'Hunting scenarios' where an inch or two isn't that critical . . . unless it's a squirrel.
How fun to meet you on this forum, too, Steve! 😊

Wow, you got up to Lt. Colonel! 👍🏼


You too Matthias!

Becoming Lt wasn't on purpose its just that I've been posting on SH for many years. Ha, it's been hilarious seeing all the drama here on SH over that time period. This is one interesting place for sure. I've also learned a ton about a bunch of different aspects of shooting related subjects.

I spend more time in the Bear Pit than anywhere else on the Hide nowadays. It's an eye opener.
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Yeah, the MOA version is a BDC reticle. 😟
The MIL version has evenly spaced subtensions. 😊

Hi Matthias,

It turns out that Athon does have a "non" BDC MOA reticle for the FFP Talos BTR G2 4-14x44. It's designated the APLR10 reticle. Sorry but since I don't use MOA I haven't kept up on this matter!!!

Currently the Athlon website has to be corrected because the manual download incorrectly shows the MIl reticle.
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Hi Matthias,

It turns out that Athon does have a "non" BDC MOA reticle for the FFP Talos BTR G2 4-14x44. It's designated the APLR10 reticle. Sorry but since I don't use MOA I haven't kept up on this matter!!!

Currently the Athlon website has to be corrected because the manual download incorrectly shows the MIl reticle.

Oh, thanks, Steve, I have missed it that Athlon came out with a Gen. 2.

I will update my Scope Specs Tables accordingly!
I prefer MIL myself, but there is a hardcore group of MOA users, so my Specs Tables list both.
➠ And sometime that's all there is... — just last week I bought a Leupold reflex dot sight for the new GK1 pistol, and the version with the exposed elevation turret is only available in MOA.

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Oh, thanks, Steve, I have missed it that Athlon came out with a Gen. 2.

I will update my Scope Specs Tables accordingly!
I prefer MIL myself, but there is a hardcore group of MOA users, so my Specs Tables list both.
➠ And sometime that's all there is... — just last week I bought a Leupold reflex dot sight for the new GK1 pistol, and the version with the exposed elevation turret is only available in MOA.


I found out yesterday that Athlon is working on a "non" BDC MOA reticle for the Helos G2 DMR 2-12x42 as well so hopefully it'll be available next year.

Congrats! That'll be a nice pistol and optic combo!