Musk isn't "going Galt". In fact, quite the opposite; if he stops doing what he's doing for the briefest moment, the whole house of cards that he has built comes crashing down.
SpaceX is funded by the federal government (our tax dollars). Now, that company seems to be doing a decent job of spending that money more effectively than the competition (doesn't take much!), but nonetheless, they cease to exist tomorrow if they can't suck on that teat.
Tesla got a huge shot in the arm with a federal subsidy; it's sustained by fleecing state and local governments in a variety of fashions. Not only does Tesla take advantage of the usual tax breaks for building plants and for R&D investment, but sales of regulatory credits to fellow auto manufacturers account for most of Tesla's free cash flow. The company sold nearly $600 million in credits in 2019.
SolarCity (now part of Tesla) got about a half-billion dollars from the federal government and another $750 million from the state of New York.
Musk became a billionaire on the backs of taxpayers, and it's paper wealth, not the Rockefeller type of real wealth. He's a paper tiger, and if his precious plant doesn't start back up soon, everything that he "owns" evaporates. So, no, he will not be "going Galt". He's just a child throwing a temper tantrum.