Hunting & Fishing Australian Gun Law Reform


Full Member
May 27, 2005
If you are an Australian shooter please follow the bellow link.

The forum link shows the proposed gun law reform removing the capability for an Australian citizen to own a .50 cal OR military calibre firearm.

I don't mean to scare monger but as any shooter knows the reforms penalise the licensed shooter with little to no evidence that such regulations will benefit society as a whole.

Please don't be lazy or complacent as these proposed laws may effect you. If they don't effect you please also write your objection to further limit law abiding citizens capabilities to enjoy shooting and long range marksmanship.

No .50 cal has been used to commit a crime in Australia.
If citizens can appreciate and own a high priced sports car like a Ferrari or Lamborghini why can't they own high power rifles? It is against the law to speed and therefore utilise such capabilities of these sports cars yet they are legal. The proposed laws mean that if you have the property and large game to shoot you still won't be allowed to own such firearms.

That's just not right!

Stand up and be heard.