There are beta testers for the ST, some of whom are on SH

One of the biggest hurdles the developers face is the unwillingness of the end-users to accept compromise. One of the things the ST can do is be completely customized to maximize any variable you want: you want 100% accuracy? Great. Accept a tolerance of 0.04 grains instead of 0.02 and/or a drop time of 20 seconds instead of 10, etc. You want sub-6 second drops? You're shooting 5.56 at under 300 yards? Great. Accept 0.06 and 85% accuracy, and you can get super-retard-speed. There are spreadsheets that allow you to determine where you will get the most bang for your buck in terms of time/accuracy/tolerance. It's somewhere in the 80-90% success range, with 0.02-0.04gr tolerance, and sub-10 second drops. The ST allows the end-user to choose. Which I think is great. There is one guy on the FB group who thinks a software update is coming that will allow sub-5 second drops with near 100% accuracy (no overthrows) and a tolerance of 0.00-0.02 grains. That is NOT reasonable and is NOT going to happen with available hard/software. Nonetheless, I think it's an awesome machine, and I love it and I delight in using it.