Avenal Unkown Distance Match


Full Member
Jul 29, 2012
Northern, CA
During the last weekend, my teammate and I had the opportunity to attend the first UKD or Unknown Distance Match held at Avenal. For a first event, it seemed to operate without a hitch, and I found a very enjoyable event. The targets were generous, as was thankfully the time at each station. (Most locations, in addition to 4 labeled targets, had one “hidden” target that the shooters had to locate, range and engage in the allotted time.

Despite many years of competitive shooting, this was my first UKD match and I found it a great learning experience and very humbling. Communication with your teammate was EVERYTHING. After a couple of rough starts, we managed to get our @#$# together and managed a decent placement on the podium.

We would like to express our thanks to all the ROs who gave their Sunday to the shooters in order to facilitate such an event. All of you did an excellent job and were both fair, and even, in the handling of the squads. To the MDs, that made this event possible – WELL DONE. I am sure this event will only get better with time.

As my aching legs and arms will attest, the terrain was not easy, and in the future, a light pack, a few snacks, and aspirin are the required necessities to make this event better.

Thank all of you for your efforts this last weekend and hope that you will continue these events at least annually and that they only become larger with time.

Great job
A big thanks to the ROs; but a big thanks to all the shooters who signed up early and let us fill the match almost 4 months early. Every team seemed to be super friendly and really fun to be around. The shooters truly made the event.

To put a name to a face, I was on Stage 7 “in the Hole”.

The response and support from the shooters had been amazing. Again, thank you.


PS. based on requests, Looks like we’ll do another in spring.

shooter team and ROs- other shooters are staged out of sight of the FFP.

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