AW magazine last round bolt hold open mod/delete. Doable?


Two Star General
Full Member
Sep 16, 2017
is it possible to file/grind down the follower on an AW magazine to make the last round bolt hold open “feature” non functional? I would like to be able to single feed if necessary without having to insert the cartridge into the magazine first.
A couple shooting buddies/hide members told me to slam the bolt forward really hard. It will create a small enough of a ramp on the follower to where it will not hold the bolt open.
Yea, you can either file it down, or you can take your palm or something like a rubber/dead blow hammer and pop the back of the bolt hard. It will cut the perfect size piece right off. Sometimes it will just ride over the follower when you hit it, then you are forced to file it down.

Either way, filing or hitting the bolt is something people have been doing for years to alleviate the bolt locked back "feature" if they don't want/like it.
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