Knives Axes


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  • Apr 17, 2018
    The land of many waters
    Not knives but that was the closest section to post in. Both have new handles hung by me. First I'll take it posted below gets it. Note which one you want.

    Sorry for the prices guys but the cost of getting the heads, handles, and shipping these things has gone way up, like everything else these days. Especially the shipping. If someone knows how to ship these cheaper than what the post office can do, let me know. I will say though that if you aren't happy with them when you get them you can return them and I'll refund all your money minus shipping. If you are close to Coeur d'Alene I can drop the shipping and meet you. The tiles are 12 inch square for reference.

    From left to right they are:

    Item 1
    2 lb ish Plumb brand cruiser double bit. I put an edge on it and if you ask any of the guys in the Swedish axe order thread they can tell you I put a good edge on an axe. I cleaned the head up well, but didn't try and get it bright and shiny. I left the patina on it. Excellent N Idaho made handle. I think it's hickory. It's been sanded and shaped by me. It's really hard to find nice double bits in this size range.

    $ 250 shipped.

    Item 2
    A really nice old Mann Edge Tool Co Knot Klipper axe. I have had this axe for a long time. It's probably a 3.5 lb head. I tried not to touch the edge on this one much as it already had an excellent one on it. I put a new handle on and I have been really impressed with it for a hardware store handle. I haven't sanded this handle like the other. I'll eat a bit of the shipping cost on this one as it's a full size sucker.

    $ 220 shipped.

    Again sorry for the prices but my source in Sweden has dried up for now and these old forged American heads aren't cheap either and the shipping really bends me over. If these sell I will try to make it to a big get together this month where I know there will be a bunch of good axes. Both heads and complete tools.

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