Nope... But half of kids today think that Communism is just dreamy and that Osama Bin Laden was a mis-understood freedom fighter and that "America Deserved it."
And are they stupid? Or just brainwashed. The ones who were 10 in 2008 when "Mr. Dreamy with the great biceps" was going to save the planet... are 25 now and have been raised on a diet of socialism and dying polar bears from the time they were sentient.
Ummmm.... In 1933, the youth of German were all mustered into a certain Youth Organization and so brainwashed that 12 years later, when they were 18 - 24, they were utterly fanatical defenders of Germany. Millions had to be de-programmed in 1945. Those who didn't die in waves fighting Soviet Tanks with Last Stand Panzerfausts and bolt rifles.
"State" schools (starting with "State" dayrcare) run by leftist teachers has created a generation of not just stupid people unable to handle critical thinking... but dangerous people. Who will happily throw 'enemies of Gaia' into ovens just as fast as Fritz and Helga Von Moller were happy to watch the boxcars leave on time. Just look at how they handled Covid... Masked, following footprints, blindly mouthing "Don't question the Science" and calling for 'us' to be rounded up, put in camps, unemployed, starved and killed.
All while blindly accepting 'scientific' shots.
Yeah... don't confuse stupid with brainwashed. Most people aren't stupid. Only big herds of people are stupid. Smart brainwashed people (who think they are both morally and intellectually superior... ) are much, much, much more dangerous than stupid people.