Back to the drawing board?


Full Member
Mar 27, 2009
Celestine Indiana
The other day I stretched out to 539 yds with my 6.5X47L 130 JLK load and was not impressed. Through the chrono at 100 yds showed 2877 average with a es 6, d 3 shootin around .3 5 shot group. Well at 539 showed me a 3" group with 4 rounds out of 5 being vertical giving me the 3". I also took my pud 130 Berger load that gave me 2755 with the same numbers and gave me a 1.25" group at 539. That's more like it but wantin to run out to 1K the BC of the Berger just won't do for me. What i'm gona try is swop the powder, putting some Varget in with the JLK's instead of the H4350. I won't get the speed i'm wanting from the Varget but.... One thing that I have noticed is that I MAY be getting a carbon ring so i'll look at getting that out but gettin good groups with Bergers should have done the same with JLK's right? Any ideas, comments or thing's to try?