<span style="font-style: italic">This is repost, but I want to state up front, that anyone attempting to cause an issue between manufacturers, or this site will be removed and permanently as this isn't about <span style="text-decoration: underline"> "who's mount"</span> you use, but the fact we can be better served with a back up optical sight <span style="font-weight: bold">(BUOS)</span> over iron sights -- specifically on a precision rifle or DM type rifle.</span>
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GDI, RCOM, ACOG, Trijicon, AR10, SR25, M110, Mk11, Rifles Only, Sniper's Hide, nightforce, Optics, Tactical</p>Veeple Interactive Video</noembed></embed></object>
As a background for this, I have extensive experience with systems like the Mk11 Mod 0 & 2 and the M110 as currently deployed. We see both are equipped with some type of BUIS and I personally feel, not only are they neglected, but they are not up to the standard of the system or the mission. Sure they will work during daylight hours in a pinch, but most of their missions are not during daylight hours. Also, I would like to add we hear stories of guys tripping coming out of the helicopters at the start of a mission, imagine a fall that doesn't hurt the operator, but instead hurts the scope on one of these systems. He is there to provide precision fire on select targets and if he is required to immediately go to BUIS at the start of a mission, he risks a lot. So the ability to go to a back up optical sight that is small, durable, and holds zero would be an improvement over the current iron sights option.
For this video I chose the ACOG because, 1.) it is currently in most of these guys inventory, 2.) it's available with a 308 BDC reticle, 3.) it's small and can fit in a pouch on their belt, 4.) because of the mounting options available. As well see most engagements are within 400m, but with the need to potentially engage targets further, especially ones partially concealed having an optic, even at 4X is much better than needing to rely on eye sight alone.
Also, while I have one, in TX, and not here to show, these guys have a small plastic 1/2" thumb break wrench available. It's about 1 1/2" square and weights nothing. It can easily be used to knock the primary optic off.
Again, not to belabor the mount issue, if your favorite does what you ask of it, great, go with it, what I chose is my business and a product of my opinion, yours may vary, which is also fine.
I think there is some merit to explore this more, as a more permanent solution to back up the primary optical sights currently used.
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GDI, RCOM, ACOG, Trijicon, AR10, SR25, M110, Mk11, Rifles Only, Sniper's Hide, nightforce, Optics, Tactical</p>Veeple Interactive Video</noembed></embed></object>
As a background for this, I have extensive experience with systems like the Mk11 Mod 0 & 2 and the M110 as currently deployed. We see both are equipped with some type of BUIS and I personally feel, not only are they neglected, but they are not up to the standard of the system or the mission. Sure they will work during daylight hours in a pinch, but most of their missions are not during daylight hours. Also, I would like to add we hear stories of guys tripping coming out of the helicopters at the start of a mission, imagine a fall that doesn't hurt the operator, but instead hurts the scope on one of these systems. He is there to provide precision fire on select targets and if he is required to immediately go to BUIS at the start of a mission, he risks a lot. So the ability to go to a back up optical sight that is small, durable, and holds zero would be an improvement over the current iron sights option.
For this video I chose the ACOG because, 1.) it is currently in most of these guys inventory, 2.) it's available with a 308 BDC reticle, 3.) it's small and can fit in a pouch on their belt, 4.) because of the mounting options available. As well see most engagements are within 400m, but with the need to potentially engage targets further, especially ones partially concealed having an optic, even at 4X is much better than needing to rely on eye sight alone.
Also, while I have one, in TX, and not here to show, these guys have a small plastic 1/2" thumb break wrench available. It's about 1 1/2" square and weights nothing. It can easily be used to knock the primary optic off.
Again, not to belabor the mount issue, if your favorite does what you ask of it, great, go with it, what I chose is my business and a product of my opinion, yours may vary, which is also fine.
I think there is some merit to explore this more, as a more permanent solution to back up the primary optical sights currently used.