When I started a business 20 something years ago I got a credit card from them. It had a 25k limit and a 7% rate. Come the melt down of 08 and they lose all business sense. I have yet to figure out what is their business sense. Some time in 09 I receive a letter stating they have changed my account. My new limit is 15k and the new rate is 15%. WTF?? I call them and inquire about the changes and they said if I don't like it close the account. I told them that this makes no sense. I have never made a late payment and always pay early. I never went over 20k on this card and when I received payment for the materials I charged I would pay the account in full. So several times a year they were making pretty good money on my account. They repeated, If you don't like it close it. I paid the account in full the next day. I figured I would just use another card to due my major purchases with and just use them for the monthly stuff and pay it in full every month. Since this is a no fee card it is costing them money every month to track and service the card. I am sure for the amount I put on it they are spending more in postage just to mail me a statement. So Tuesday I receive a letter from them thanking me for being a good customer and so on and I now am approved for their new card with a bunch of new benefits. It goes on to list them and at the bottom is says to see the schedule on page 2 for the rates. Holy crap!! 21.99% interest on any charges and 29.99% on cash advances. Who in their corporate offices is smoking crack? Anyone else get one of these letters from these idiots? With the prime rate around 1.5% this is insane. I guess I will continue to use them the same as I have over the past several years. I haven't closed the account because it looks bad on you credit if you close some of these lines of credit. Or so I have been told.