Range Report Barnes TSX as a long range bullet?


Full Member
Mar 3, 2010
Abilene texas
I am working on developing a load for long range target and hunting in my tikka 270. I like the idea of a Barnes TSX as a hunting bullet. but how does it perform long range the BC of .431 seems okay on the other hand the sst has .460 in the same weight class. I have had an sst fail on me in the past so those scare me a bit, What are yalls thoughts? Also what powder do you recomend?
Re: Barnes TSX as a long range bullet?

What do you mean by long range?

The Barnes bullet will perform as designed when velocity is above 1800fps, and better above 2000fps. Drop below those numbers and they may not expand. Plug your velocity into a ballistics calculator like JBM and you will have a reference. It looks like the 130 TSX/TTSX is still moving fast enough at 600yds.

A small difference in BC is not critical, but for extended long range, a softer bullet will be a better choice. A softer bullet that might blow up at close range will expand into a perfect mushroom at longer range.

Bullet failure is a controversial topic. If you hit bone, you need a more rugged bullet, but it seems to me that a bullet that blows up inside a chest cavity is more ideal than a bullet that just pencils on through, so shot placement is another variable to consider.

Anyway, SSTs are appreciated by long range hunters for their streamlined shape and on-target performance at longer range. The Berger Hunting VLD has both: higher BC and is soft enough to expand at distance.

H4831SC is a go-to powder for the 270.

Re: Barnes TSX as a long range bullet?

IMO the long range bullet for the .277 dia is the 150gr VLD from Berger. You will be hard pressed to get consistant performance at a distance with the TSX. I'm not saying its impossible, its just difficult. Solid copper alloy construction, the driving bands, make them a little more finicky in flight than conventional bullets. To achieve the mass/weight they have to make the bullets longer, seating depths have to be experimented with and even after all that they may have stability issues once you get them far out. Its a good hunting bullet at intermediate distances, but for long range there are better candidates.
Re: Barnes TSX as a long range bullet?

The TSX requires to much speed to do a good job at long range on game IMO, I use them inside point blank range for the most part, I do shoot the 110 TTSX out quite a ways with my 270 WSM but I launch it fast enough that it's GTG to 800yrd with small game like antelope and whitetail.

Much better is the Berger in the 140 or 150 depending on how fast you can push the 140 sometimes it will do better or the same but with more velocity on impact than the 150. The 140 Accubond is also a good LR choice for the 270 cals. but like the TSX needs to stay above 1800 and I like the 2000 range better, it's advantage for LR is it's BC!
Re: Barnes TSX as a long range bullet?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tikka'd</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have had an sst fail on me in the past so those scare me a bit, What are yalls thoughts?</div></div>

How did the SST fail on you? I have been hunting with the 7mm/139gr SST for years and they've worked great on every deer I've shot.
Re: Barnes TSX as a long range bullet?

I use Barnes triple shocks in my 300winmag. Use 78g of IMR4350. It is devastating at every range I have shot it at so far. And it consistently shoots sub MOA. How far do you want to take it out to?