Hey all, looking for a barrel recommendation. I have a Remington 700 in 308. I'm wanting to put a heavier contour barrel maybe an M40A1 or M24 profile. Any brand recommendations? Or brands to avoid? My budget is under $600. Thanks guys!
The three barrel makers I use the most are Bartlein, Proof Research and Lilja; all with excellent results. Mullerworks, Krieger, Brux, Rock Creek, Benchmark,Osprey and Preferred Barrel are great choices.
Every barrel mentioned (minus the remage) isnt gonna get installed on your action for $600. The blanks alone are just under or just over $400. The remage route is going to require stock fitting.
Supersubes is right. The premium custom makers listed above are around 400 for the blank. Plan 350 for install. More if you want it painted, muzzle break or your action trued (aka blueprinted). Also if you have a traditional stock the barrel channel will have to be opened up to accept an M40 profile.
Changing to a premium M40 barrel is really embarking on a custom rifle build more or less. It isn't like upgrading the trigger. Also it is going to require a rifle smith that does machining work and has the knowledge and equipment to build a rifle. A lot of "local gunsmiths". Do minor work and repairs like trigger adjustments and recoil pad installs. That isn't who you need. So if you don't have a good reputable rifle smith in your area add shipping to your budget. I would start with choosing a smith. What barrels do they like and guarantee. Most smiths have a working relationship with a supplier or two.
The only manufacturers that do barrel installation that I know of are Benchmark and Hart. They are both premium barrels that will compete with any listed above. I would recommend them for a first time buyer.