Assassin's Way Battle Of Coyote

Rifles Only Assassin's Way Fieldcraft Competition


HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    BOC Logo:shirt back.jpg

    The B.O.C. is a match to test you, your skills and your equipment in a field environment.

    Topics tested will be:

    • Safety
    • Marksmanship
    • Target detection
    • Range estimation
    • Land navigation
    • KIMs
    • Situational awareness
    • Use of handgun

    Days one and two will consist of field skills with very little marksmanship. There will be no electronics allowed. After a short land navigation, you will be required to find, range and engage a specific set of targets.

    Day three will allow electronics and range finders.

    Expect simple and complex KIMs games at any time.

    40 rifle rounds and 25 pistol rounds will be required.

    Only suppressed rifles will be allowed. You must provide and carry all of your own equipment. Additionally, you will need your own compass and protractor. This is an individual event.


    Entry fee is $750

    Payout is $4,000 for first and $3,000 for second.

    **Equipment list will be posted soon - please check back for equipment list**

    Duration: 3 days
    Round Count: 40 Rifle and 24 Pistol
    Open To: Civilian, Military, Law Enforcement, Private Security Contractor
    Types: Pistol/Handgun
    Level: Advanced
    Training Topics: Fundamentals of Handgun/Pistol Marksmanship, Fundamentals of Marksmanship, KIMs, Land Navigation, Range estimation, Safety, Situational Awareness, Target Detection
    If that is an option that is awesome. Knowing you guys I should have figured on it. Sorry.
    I just live in a place where owning one is a big PITA.
    As long as my schedule allows I will be down there.
    Thanks again for putting this on.