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Battling mosquitos....your successes.....Mosquito Magnet users?


Full Member
  • Nov 20, 2018
    My neighbor and I have tried everything we can think of we both moved in 2003....a ton of time fighting them. Foggers, spraying, pellets in the gutters, all standing water bombed.....these suckers are unreal this year. Even the city tried some spraying which helped a bit, but they won't come out any longer. They are like the state bird down here with the wet summer climate. Just got off the grill on front porch my ankles are mauled!

    Been reading about these would love it if someone here has one and likes the results.....it seems almost too good to be true. Sounds right in theory....thanks if ya have one lay it on me please!

    Yes. If their sucking pure alcohol, they will fly into stuff and die??
    Little upset I didn't learn about this long ago.....magic of the innerwebs. Our street gutter needs to be redone, but the city won't do it. Those breeders never get killed with our south Florida rainfall. Man it's a battle
    Little upset I didn't learn about this long ago.....magic of the innerwebs. Our street gutter needs to be redone, but the city won't do it. Those breeders never get killed with our south Florida rainfall. Man it's a battle
    With that being said: 1. Go find mayor! 2. Stick foot directly in ass!
    The Mayor is our former Tampa Police Chief.
    Give her a hard time and she's likely to just shoot you.

    Take care of standing water?

    Haha, ha, ha haha ha ha haaa!

    The rains stopped 3-4 weeks ago and i still have a muddy swamp behind the house.
    Nothing can be done about it because it just drains away slowly, very slowly into the Alafia watershed. It's a swamp that is dry for 5-6 months every year.
    The county jackasses are offering mosquito eating fish to combat the little bastard mosquitoes.
    Somehow, I believe it won't work because the damn birds will eat the fish.

    Oh, did I forget to mention the shitload of 2-3' deep ponds around here.
    Pretty sure @8pointer
    Has the same issues since he lives a few miles west of me.

    Our answer is two Thermacells running. If that doesn't keep them at bay, we go inside.

    Dan, I feel your pain brother! It was 65* this morning so maybe we'll get a break here soon.
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    With the correct bait, my mosquito magnet works pretty good. Last year i ran it for 2 months. Went from getting lightheaded in 20 minutes to able to sit outside without guarding my ankles in 1 month. But, you’re supposed to run it early on and it won’t catch as many, youll feel like its not working well. It’s because there are fewer to breed, fewer alive to drink you precious blood, so less in a trap.

    It doesn’t get em all, eats a bottle of propane a month and baits are required and expensive.

    Amazon had some tube style that supposedly works wonders, gotta keep it wet, but they go in and the poison effects their breeding or some shit. I can’t recall. But a couple tubes for $50+ bucks is supposed to last a while.

    We had a dry summer in az, so they were at a minimum, but with todays rain i am thinking about firing up my magnet. Ugh, i meed more baits.
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    If your going to spray again make sure you hit the bottom / underside of the veg

    That’s where the bugs lay eggs/larva

    Spraying front the top lie rain falling doesn’t do anything
    The Mayor is our former Tampa Police Chief.
    Give her a hard time and she's likely to just shoot you.

    Take care of standing water?

    Haha, ha, ha haha ha ha haaa!

    The rains stopped 3-4 weeks ago and i still have a muddy swamp behind the house.
    Nothing can be done about it because it just drains away slowly, very slowly into the Alafia watershed. It's a swamp that is dry for 5-6 months every year.
    The county jackasses are offering mosquito eating fish to combat the little bastard mosquitoes.
    Somehow, I believe it won't work because the damn birds will eat the fish.

    Oh, did I forget to mention the shitload of 2-3' deep ponds around here.
    Pretty sure @8pointer
    Has the same issues since he lives a few miles west of me.

    Our answer is two Thermacells running. If that doesn't keep them at bay, we go inside.

    Dan, I feel your pain brother! It was 65* this morning so maybe we'll get a break here soon.
    That sucks man! Thought we had it bad in bama!
    Permethrin. Find something with plenty in it and spray the hell out of your yard. The best stuff you would need to buy from chemical retailer and you would have to have or know somebody that has a chemical license (farmer or rancher). Nothing else that I have tried comes close.
    Permethrin. Find something with plenty in it and spray the hell out of your yard. The best stuff you would need to buy from chemical retailer and you would have to have or know somebody that has a chemical license (farmer or rancher). Nothing else that I have tried comes close.

    They live in the trees, the bushes and long grasses out in the "conservation" area.
    I doubt spraying the grass would work.
    I used to not care about tick or any other bugs on me, I’d just pluck them off later. Then a couple years ago I got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from a tick. That was the most miserable month of my life. Now unless we’ve had a freeze I hardly ever go into the woods without wearing permethrin treated clothing, and I haven’t found a tick on me since.
    Personally, I haven't found 'bug zappers' much good vs. mosquito's. YMMV, of course. If it is at all possible, removing standing water is a HUGE asset. Also, things like 'tires' on the roof to hold down the shingles when it's windy.... DON'T DO THAT.

    My Uncle was a huge advocate of such, and always complained about the mosquito's. The bushier the surroundings, the worsier it will be. But one also has to deal with the terrain they've been dealt, right?
    Treat or remove any standing water as best you can


    Go with Permethrin SFR 36.8% and mix a min of 1% mixture (3 oz per gallon), go more if you dare but it gets toxic at some point (1% is still safe)

    Spray this stuff everywhere, use a fogger if you have one

    You will not notice a change in day 1, but by day 3 they should be significantly knocked down. Spray every 3 weeks to start, then you can spread it out a little more.

    This absolutely works, if not working for you, then you need to spray more area (ask first then spray your neighbors if they let you)
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    My neighbor and I have tried everything we can think of we both moved in 2003....a ton of time fighting them. Foggers, spraying, pellets in the gutters, all standing water bombed.....these suckers are unreal this year. Even the city tried some spraying which helped a bit, but they won't come out any longer. They are like the state bird down here with the wet summer climate. Just got off the grill on front porch my ankles are mauled!

    Been reading about these would love it if someone here has one and likes the results.....it seems almost too good to be true. Sounds right in theory....thanks if ya have one lay it on me please!

    These mosquito traps are great for actually catching mosquitoes, however, unfortunately you will be simply catching the adults. It will certainly be effective to lower the overall population but to effectively eradicate you need to destroy the breeding sources. Ive worked with those mosquito traps and they work great but will quite literally act as a magnet when they are on. I used to live in the South Houston area and understand the struggle with the rains.

    I guess my whole point is that trap will be a expensive investment to catch the products of the breeding sources. Although it might be effective and make the outdoors more tolerable, it is best to always go after the sources. (Yet with city and county responsibilities in place, this is not always feasible)
    You can kill the adults but if you leave the larva you haven't stopped the cycle. You won't ever completely get rid of them but take advantage of the fish the county is offering for the larva in standing water and spray the vegetation around your house. The permethrin mentioned above has an IGR or insect growth regulator in it. It basically sterilizes the bugs that come in contact with it. If used in tandem with the fish you should see good results. Of course you will have to reapply as other bugs migrate into the gap left by the dead. Good luck.
    Would buying pool chlorine tablets work on the areas of swamp around your homes?

    The rednexks decided to damn a local creek by my childhood home to make a bass pond. They just made a skeeter hatchery

    I decided to toss a bunch of pool chemicals into the water. But it was clear water with Lillie’s starting to grow.

    I would also try the skeeter eating fish. Nature allows them to live and birds can eat some of them. The fish are small and reproduce quickly

    We used to eat a ton of garlic . My wife put in everything. For the longest time skeeters weren't an issue .
    The Mayor is our former Tampa Police Chief.
    Give her a hard time and she's likely to just shoot you.

    Take care of standing water?

    Haha, ha, ha haha ha ha haaa!

    The rains stopped 3-4 weeks ago and i still have a muddy swamp behind the house.
    Nothing can be done about it because it just drains away slowly, very slowly into the Alafia watershed. It's a swamp that is dry for 5-6 months every year.
    The county jackasses are offering mosquito eating fish to combat the little bastard mosquitoes.
    Somehow, I believe it won't work because the damn birds will eat the fish.

    Oh, did I forget to mention the shitload of 2-3' deep ponds around here.
    Pretty sure @8pointer
    Has the same issues since he lives a few miles west of me.

    Our answer is two Thermacells running. If that doesn't keep them at bay, we go inside.

    Dan, I feel your pain brother! It was 65* this morning so maybe we'll get a break here soon.
    It's all out war. Even running out to flip a steak on the grill is a risky situation.....release the hounds!
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    With the correct bait, my mosquito magnet works pretty good. Last year i ran it for 2 months. Went from getting lightheaded in 20 minutes to able to sit outside without guarding my ankles in 1 month. But, you’re supposed to run it early on and it won’t catch as many, youll feel like its not working well. It’s because there are fewer to breed, fewer alive to drink you precious blood, so less in a trap.

    It doesn’t get em all, eats a bottle of propane a month and baits are required and expensive.

    Amazon had some tube style that supposedly works wonders, gotta keep it wet, but they go in and the poison effects their breeding or some shit. I can’t recall. But a couple tubes for $50+ bucks is supposed to last a while.

    We had a dry summer in az, so they were at a minimum, but with todays rain i am thinking about firing up my magnet. Ugh, i meed more baits.
    This is great to hear! Similar to reviews I've read, but nice to get it from a verified happy known customer not anonymous review. I may just give this a rip. Any guesstimate on the size of the area it 'protects'? Thanks
    I spent my childhood dressed like that never again! Board shorts, soft t-shirt and Reefs 12 months a year til the grave. I'm either going to be found like this on the porch or win the battle!

    You may think I'm crazy, because i didn't believe it at first either, but these little son of a guns work.
    Our mosquitoes are pretty bad all summer long. Someone at work told me about the Spartan Mosquito Eradicator. I really had my doubts. There's a farm supply store here in town that sells them, and I went and talked to him about them. He guaranteed that they would work or he would give me my money back. That was from the store owner, not the manufacturer.
    So I bough a pack and hung them up, and man, it was someone turned the mosquito switch off. It was amazing. The mosquitoes all but disappeared. I could go out and do yard work, grill, or just sit outside, without the torment of mosquitoes. Does it kill them all? No, but it knocked out almost all of them.
    It worked so well, I bought my Mother in Law as kit and set them out at her house. She lives on a farm, next to a river, and the mosquitoes are at the extreme level out there. She was so happy the great grand-kids could go outside and play and she could enjoy sitting outside in the evenings.
    YMMV with these, and I'm not making any guarantee, but I will have these hanging in my yard again next year.


    You may think I'm crazy, because i didn't believe it at first either, but these little son of a guns work.
    Our mosquitoes are pretty bad all summer long. Someone at work told me about the Spartan Mosquito Eradicator. I really had my doubts. There's a farm supply store here in town that sells them, and I went and talked to him about them. He guaranteed that they would work or he would give me my money back. That was from the store owner, not the manufacturer.
    So I bough a pack and hung them up, and man, it was someone turned the mosquito switch off. It was amazing. The mosquitoes all but disappeared. I could go out and do yard work, grill, or just sit outside, without the torment of mosquitoes. Does it kill them all? No, but it knocked out almost all of them.
    It worked so well, I bought my Mother in Law as kit and set them out at her house. She lives on a farm, next to a river, and the mosquitoes are at the extreme level out there. She was so happy the great grand-kids could go outside and play and she could enjoy sitting outside in the evenings.
    YMMV with these, and I'm not making any guarantee, but I will have these hanging in my yard again next year.


    i sell these at my nursery, at least 500 or so in 3 seasons.
    they do work.
    at least 95 percent of these that we have sold were from customers that have had them before.
    i sell them for 19.95
    i mean it, 95 percent of these were sold to people who have had them before and wanted them again.
    I grew up in an area surrounded by rice fields. There were 18 known species of mosquito in the area and at night it was ridiculous. You could drive out on the country roads, turn your car off and all you can hear is the buzzing sound of them outside.

    At night my family would stack up on the front door of the house and go in like a swat team to try and keep the door open for the least amount of time possible so they wouldn’t get in and attack you all night long.

    I’ve tried every repellent I can think of and nothing really worked. Including those big fogger trucks that drive around. That stuff just makes them mad...

    I don’t know of anything that will wipe them out and the best you can do is find some things to keep them off you.
    This is great to hear! Similar to reviews I've read, but nice to get it from a verified happy known customer not anonymous review. I may just give this a rip. Any guesstimate on the size of the area it 'protects'? Thanks
    Im on a 1/4 acre. I had more in my front yard than backyard where the magnet is, but I didn’t set it early enough either. Prevention is key. The more mosquitoes there are, the more they breed. Simple equation.
    also, along the lines of standing water.
    pine needles for mulch, dont do it, mosquitos go into overdrive w that shit.
    i buy and sell bales of pine needles like it is going out of style, and some bales come undone and we HAD used them to mulch around our building. No way, no how, no more, too fucking many mosquitos as they live in it.
    You may think I'm crazy, because i didn't believe it at first either, but these little son of a guns work.
    Our mosquitoes are pretty bad all summer long. Someone at work told me about the Spartan Mosquito Eradicator. I really had my doubts. There's a farm supply store here in town that sells them, and I went and talked to him about them. He guaranteed that they would work or he would give me my money back. That was from the store owner, not the manufacturer.
    So I bough a pack and hung them up, and man, it was someone turned the mosquito switch off. It was amazing. The mosquitoes all but disappeared. I could go out and do yard work, grill, or just sit outside, without the torment of mosquitoes. Does it kill them all? No, but it knocked out almost all of them.
    It worked so well, I bought my Mother in Law as kit and set them out at her house. She lives on a farm, next to a river, and the mosquitoes are at the extreme level out there. She was so happy the great grand-kids could go outside and play and she could enjoy sitting outside in the evenings.
    YMMV with these, and I'm not making any guarantee, but I will have these hanging in my yard again next year.


    That was the one i was talking about off of amazon. Id give one a try as i could put one in my front yard and one in the rear. Better coverage than my expensive magnet.
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    Only solution that has worked for me:

    Paired with 2 oz/gallon of:

    Set the flow volume on the sprayer to 2. Spray the underside of leaves of all the plants, bushes etc. around your house. I also spray the exterior walls of my house. Don't worry about the grass. The effect is immediate and one treatment lasts a few weeks. My yard would not be usable without it.

    Happy mosquito hunting.