Hunting & Fishing BB gun for Junior: tips and tricks?


Full Member
Apr 13, 2013
Hi, Everyone - my 7yo is off at cub scout camp today, including BB gun instruction and firing. I am sure he will want one now. When he did a similar deal with bow and arrow as well as BB a half year ago, we got a basic kid's bow/arrow set, and he did well following instructions - incl always obeying 'cease fire.'

So, I may be ready to get a BB gun for him.

The basic one I see in the sporting goods stores is $20. It looks like they go up to $60.

Mostly, I want reliable, fairly accurate (the inexpensive bow and arrow has an inherent limit to 8" groups at abt 10 yds) and easy to operate. Please give me any advice on specific models, activities, where to get BBs the cheapest, and whatever else you have to share. Thanks!
Daisy Red Rider ... seriously

my 4yo has one (that has been painted black and pink zebra/tiger stripe) and she loves it! I may have been pre-mature on buying it as she cant really shoot it by herself yet, but she loves shooting it when i help her. her red rider will put 4-5" groups at about 10-15 yards, probably even smaller if you really sat and tried.

the 2400 count .177 bb's from wallyworld, and probably just about any outdoor's store runs less than $10, and get some cans, paper, whatever you want and just have fun with it.
My dad bought me a Daisy BB gun when I was 6.....that was 41 years ago and, believe it or not, I still have that BB gun today. I bought one for my daughter when she was 6. She is 17 now and still has her Daisy. My son is turning 4 in a couple of months and, although I'm sure he would love a BB gun, I think I'll hold off a couple more years until I'm sure he can understand safety rules. BB guns are great learning tools and way better entertainment than video games! I say go take a look at what's available at your local store and get him whatever you like best. As far as accuracy...I was just playing with a Red Rider a couple weeks ago and was shooting pecans out of a tree with it at about 10 yards. I was hitting the pecans about 7 out of 10 tries.
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I still enjoy shooting at things up to about 50 yards with the Red Ryder. It's neat watching those BB's drop into a target, though the target needs to be pretty big at anything past about 20 yards.
I was 8yrs old when I got mine (red ryder). I wonder now if that was old enough. Each child has a different responsible age. You know your kid better than anyone. Big thing is safety! Some may say "it's only a bb gun" what harm can it do? Don't forget the "bounce back" and ricochet effect. Show examples of these to your kids. good luck!! I don't know if the new ones still do this or not, but I still remember vividly the first time i left the lever open on mine when i shot it. Wow, almost broke my fingers.