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Be a rooftop Korean!


Invite new Gun owners to the range in 2021
an interesting read on the LA riots- Part 2 ( not the LA Riots in the 1960s)


LA’s Korean shopkeepers knew that. They operated many small businesses in some of the least fashionable areas of Los Angeles, and they were already widely hated by activists, being scapegoated for problems and pathologies that long pre-dated their immigration to Southern California. So, they became targets for the mobs.

See, most of these Koreans had done their mandatory service in the Republic of Korea’s Army. Those ROK soldiers are the real deal – the Norks are not a theoretical threat and the South Korean army does not spend a lot of time talking about feelings. They were some solid dudes. So, when the local dirtbags showed up for some casual looting, they noticed the rooftops were lined with hardcore guys packing some serious heat, including the kind of scary rifles that the Democrats want to ban.
The Rooftop Koreans.
I'd suggest you download that and save it just in case it gets "erased" from existence.

It's the kind of thing that the Communist Democrat's don't want repeated.

I think those of Asian ancestry will soon come to realize that the Communist Democrats are not their friends in a very firm way.
Already Asians are being discriminated against hard along with White men when it comes to hiring and education.
Just be sure to identify....

I'd suggest you download that and save it just in case it gets "erased" from existence.

It's the kind of thing that the Communist Democrat's don't want repeated.

I think those of Asian ancestry will soon come to realize that the Communist Democrats are not their friends in a very firm way.
Already Asians are being discriminated against hard along with White men when it comes to hiring and education.

Keep it in the Athens, TN file.
Ban them? We should insist non-felon adult, able-bodied citizens own them and become proficient with them because all that law and order you see around you can disappear in a heartbeat. I watched it happen up close and personal, in one of America’s biggest cities. And as the Rooftop Koreans recognized, groups of citizens with (preferably) semi-auto rifles with 30-rounds mag is the only thing that is going to keep a mob in check.

Awesome read and advice about reality.

An excellent article and an excellent statistic...to paraphrase

If 2% of the population decides to act unruly, it is beyond control of LEO and Govt....

The ELITES know, understand and are terrified by this fact. They know that 29% of the population (93 million) has a firearm or more than one...lord knows how many rounds of ammo are out there. If 5% of gun owners get pissed off it breaks the 2% rule....

This is why they will do whatever they need to do to end private firearm ownership
an interesting read on the LA riots- Part 2 ( not the LA Riots in the 1960s)


LA’s Korean shopkeepers knew that. They operated many small businesses in some of the least fashionable areas of Los Angeles, and they were already widely hated by activists, being scapegoated for problems and pathologies that long pre-dated their immigration to Southern California. So, they became targets for the mobs.

See, most of these Koreans had done their mandatory service in the Republic of Korea’s Army. Those ROK soldiers are the real deal – the Norks are not a theoretical threat and the South Korean army does not spend a lot of time talking about feelings. They were some solid dudes. So, when the local dirtbags showed up for some casual looting, they noticed the rooftops were lined with hardcore guys packing some serious heat, including the kind of scary rifles that the Democrats want to ban.
The Rooftop Koreans.

My buddy was in the Corps in Viet Nam and when he spoke of the ROK marines it was with a bit of awe.
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The Lldifference between the Watts riots and South Central riots were the fact that cops were shooting assholes for shooting at police and fire personnel in the 60's . In the 90's the LA City government was kissing their fuckin asses . My buddies dad was an FOP International President . He told me that he watched twenty minutes of the Rodney King tape that was not ahowed to the public . The guy was tweekin so hard that he would grab one cop by the throat yankin him off the ground while cleaving another off of his feet with a punch . Rodney King would neither stay down or stop . He's lucky he wasn't shot . But then again cops had a set back then .
Twenty minutes of this crap before he got the hickoy shampoo . Another buddy who's a cop and apso a friend of the inlaws witnessed the San Fran car chase of two illegals . High speed and an hour long . When the Sheriff's Deputies caught up to the they got a lather rinse repeat with shampoo of old hickory . Well he starts with the " you can't do that shit " . I told him that if someone leads you on a high speed chase for an hour and you don't lump him up you should be fired . I grew up with eff up and get your ass handed to you by the cops then the Old Man . Think we could use some old school accountabilty as a society . My .02 .
The Lldifference between the Watts riots and South Central riots were the fact that cops were shooting assholes for shooting at police and fire personnel in the 60's . In the 90's the LA City government was kissing their fuckin asses . My buddies dad was an FOP International President . He told me that he watched twenty minutes of the Rodney King tape that was not ahowed to the public . The guy was tweekin so hard that he would grab one cop by the throat yankin him off the ground while cleaving another off of his feet with a punch . Rodney King would neither stay down or stop . He's lucky he wasn't shot . But then again cops had a set back then .
Twenty minutes of this crap before he got the hickoy shampoo . Another buddy who's a cop and apso a friend of the inlaws witnessed the San Fran car chase of two illegals . High speed and an hour long . When the Sheriff's Deputies caught up to the they got a lather rinse repeat with shampoo of old hickory . Well he starts with the " you can't do that shit " . I told him that if someone leads you on a high speed chase for an hour and you don't lump him up you should be fired . I grew up with eff up and get your ass handed to you by the cops then the Old Man . Think we could use some old school accountabilty as a society . My .02 .

Not for .gov to hand out "hickory shampoo"

Half the shit they are arresting/pulling people over for shouldn't be illegal anywa y
Sister got pulled over yesterday for taking a bite of a sandwich while driving.........
By someone that can legally answer emails on a laptop. Or text or talk on the phone. All while driving.

Some of that is nice though. They are all so busy texting or interneting and driving they aren't paying attention and looking for new extortion targets.
By someone that can legally answer emails on a laptop. Or text or talk on the phone. All while driving.

Some of that is nice though. They are all so busy texting or interneting and driving they aren't paying attention and looking for new extortion targets.

There is currently NHTSA money flowing for zero tolerance of "distracted driving".

When paid OT money to look for something it will be found.

There is currently no law against eating a sandwich while driving.

All these piggy back laws are the ways some nameless legislator makes a name for himself.

There are laws that makes sense - negligent operation, fail to use care slowing/stopping.

I bet a million people a day operate a vehicle and eat a sandwich without incident. As you pointed out 100 percent of PO multi task on some sort of vehicle.

So on your commute from home rushing so as not to be late to work you eat an egg mcmuffin. No harm no foul, its the exact scenario egg mcmuffins were invented for.

Now change that a little, you are commuting to work, you reach over to get a handful of mcmuffin and fail to realize the cars ahead of you have stopped, you rear end a stopped car and egg, bacon, muffin fly all over your dash board.

Was eating the sandwich the crime, was failing to use care slowing/stopping the crime, would this rise to the level of negligent operation (knew or should have known)?

What if you rear end a car stopped in traffic and were not eating a sandwich but its found out the guy you hit was enjoying a mcmuffin as evidenced by the remains of the meal on his face and shirt......do we want to live in a world where both are cited?

There are limiting laws that make sense and than there are limiting laws that are just nanny state BS.
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That is against the law?
I know a couple old ex-ROC's and they definitely keep there attitude all threw life ...LOL
it Not in Oregon . it called, Driving while Encumbered . I personally got pulled over and ticketed once for having my Right Arm over my girls shoulder, while steering with Left hand .
My buddy was in the Corps in Viet Nam and when he spoke of the ROK marines it was with a bit of awe.

The ROK Marines in Vietnam are just like the Gurkhas in Afghanistan. They did not really operate on ROE. It is purely go in, take care of business, and leave a sign for the enemy that you had been there. Word from a veteran of the Afghan campaign was that Taliban radio chatter had a lot of shit-talking about the coalition forces, but as soon as someone brings up the Gurkhas, total dead silence follows right after...
An excellent article and an excellent statistic...to paraphrase

If 2% of the population decides to act unruly, it is beyond control of LEO and Govt....

The ELITES know, understand and are terrified by this fact. They know that 29% of the population (93 million) has a firearm or more than one...lord knows how many rounds of ammo are out there. If 5% of gun owners get pissed off it breaks the 2% rule....

This is why they will do whatever they need to do to end private firearm ownership

Now imagine if that 5% has, in addition to all that firepower, enough IT knowledge to find out who the string pullers are and where they might be at a given time......
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