Bergara b14r 17hmr stories please


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Mar 27, 2019
North Dakota
Local shop has one for $800 and am on the fence as I need another one like a hole in the head but It felt pretty good and I only have two 17hmrs now. I shoot gophers 3-4 times a week and a good heavy gun on the bench is a dream to shoot. I was hoping those of you with a b14r 17hmr could share your likes and dislikes. Photos of course. I know how I am so it'll likely get a TT Diamond 2-stage and a chassis. What did you do? Also extra mags are $50, does that seem right?
My brother has one, Nice quality, very light. Trigger was preset at 2.25 lbs, no creep.

The barrel pattern, appearance, etc.. is nearly an identical match to my Volquartsen Superlite. Haven't shot it yet, so can't comment on accuracy.
I have 2 B14R in 22lr. both have Trigger Tech Diamond. The B14R is a heavy gun and sit great on a Bench. Both of mine are in the factory stock, great stock.
I got a 17HMR when they first came out in the 2000's. The gun was fantastic when you could buy a box for $5.99. But once shit went 12.99 and 14.99.....I just left it in the rack.

Back then the cheap shit Savages and Marlins shot amazing. MOST guns in .17HMR shoot pretty dang good. The cartridge is flat and low recoil and perfect for small and sometimes not so small game.

Why would I buy a $800 gun when the $350 guns are just as good performance wise? I'm not even joking.

I have a B14R Carbon in .22lr and I see zero reason to jump on board to buying a $800 gun that my Savage 93R17 keeps up with.

I would also be interested to know if the 17HMR sized reciever then also maintains the 700 footprint and therefore compatibility? Or is it a longer somewhat oddball reciever/stock combo unto itself?
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Jabberjaw, are you talking BMR or the larger b14r?

DFOOSKING, I truly understand the cost difference from back then to nowadays. I bought into the 17hm2 back when Eley was $2.99/50. Still have 3000rnds. Still my all time favorite gopher round. Sadly we still need to talk and deal with today prices and such. I sold my Savage as I have personally started expecting more specifics from certain types of guns, especially varmint rigs. Only reason I'm considering the b14r in 17hmr is the fact of a wide range of stocks and 2-stage triggers available as it have R700 footprint. Also I'm a fan of heavy in a varmint gun. I'm also limited to 90% rimfire shooting. Another factor specific to me is uniqueness and wow factor.