Bergara b14r in a Foundation?


Full Member
Jun 5, 2014
Looking at picking up a b14r barreled action and dropping it in a foundation centurion stock to match my centerfire rig. Foundation offers a 700 inlet. Has anyone done this yet? If so how has it worked out? Is there a particular bottom metal that seems to work best? I'm new to the 22 game so I'm trying to avoid all the feeding issues that people seem to deal with.
I'm new to the 22 game so I'm trying to avoid all the feeding issues that people seem to deal with.
Quality components help, but tuning magazines and playing with torques and can be the nature of the beast. It's a big honking magazine form factor, a round, but not pointy bullet tip trying to fit into a chamber not much bigger, and stacked tolerances on all associated components.

In my case (Bergara B14r, Grayboe Ridgeback, Grayboe bottom metal) filing the magazine catches to be more defined and a strip of velcro pile underneath the catch helped avoid issues when pressed into barracades.

You might want to look at L3I magazines. In addition to 4 extra rounds, they have adjustable magazine catches. I bought two of the first run, but can't speak to them as I haven't given them a workout.

L3I Bergara Magazine
I put mine in an MG2 cut for an Impact with Hawkins bottom metal, I had to add the longer mag latch but that was it, fits fine.