Bergara B14r magazine/feed issues - help requested

Mr. Wolf

Full Member
Feb 27, 2013
Shot a match this weekend. The rifle is accurate and shot well until a mag change stage.

Every other round would jam and the bullet presentation would look like this:


shot some more after the match to diagnose and was running into the same problem with the same mag.

Upon closer inspection I saw this:

The left mag has a chip on the left feed lip ear.

I have less than 1,000 rounds through this rifle and this is 1 of 3 mags. I’ve never dropped it.

I hypothesize that the slick bolt may have rode forward during a hasty mag change and the feed lips may have hit the bottom of the unlocked bolt.

Is this why I see some people running their Bergara B14r with a rubber band on their cheek riser post and bolt handle?

Anyone else run into the same issue?

Any thoughts on if the plastic chip is repairable?

Oh they joys of finding the perfect rimfire NRL22/PRS22 build…

YMMV, happy shooting
I run the same rifle in the same chassis. If the issue only happens with that magazine I would say that is the issue. I’ve got a higher round count but I run more magazines so not sure if it could be a wear issue. Sounds like you described maybe if you’re sure the magazine hasn’t been dropped. Only feed issues I’ve had were user induced putting pressure on the magazine.
Mag is broken.

Replace magazine.

If you want to put a dab of jb weld and file to fit it should hold. I wouldn't be using it in matches anymore though.

For what it's worth, I have 10 mags, all have been dropped plenty of times in gravel, dirt, and concrete. I haven't managed to break one yet.

I run this guy between stages, because I don't like stuffing flags down my bore: