Trades: I will trade the rifle, mags, rail and brake for a NEW Impact 737R SA right hand action. Prefer a 75 degree bolt, but will take a 90. Must be in the original box with all paperwork and proof of purchase. Not interested in any other trades.
Package Price for everything: $2,000 or a reasonable best offer
Individual pricing:
Rifle, AI 10rd mags (2), 5rd mag, rail and brake: $1,500
Ammunition only (will include spent brass if wanted): $800
Contact me via private message to communicate or ask questions. I will not respond to public comments or questions. I can send you pictures of anything else you want to see on the rifle before requesting a meetup. It is available as a package or parted out as described below.
Package includes the following:
Package Price for everything: $2,000 or a reasonable best offer
Individual pricing:
Rifle, AI 10rd mags (2), 5rd mag, rail and brake: $1,500
Ammunition only (will include spent brass if wanted): $800
Contact me via private message to communicate or ask questions. I will not respond to public comments or questions. I can send you pictures of anything else you want to see on the rifle before requesting a meetup. It is available as a package or parted out as described below.
Package includes the following:
- Bergara HMR Pro 300 Win Mag rifle with 26" barrel ($1,600 retail). Purchased a year ago. Have ~250 rounds through it from sighting in and an NRL match. Excellent condition other than a scratch on the barrel, shown in pictures below.
- Over 300 rounds of ammunition that is mostly Federal Sierra Match King 190gr, a few boxes of Federal Swift Scirocco 180gr, and 73 rounds of Texas Ammo 168gr. This equates to over $3 per round in value ($3.60 for 190gr, $3.45 for 180gr and $2.15 for 168gr). I also have 300WM spent brass that I will include for free.
- Two Accuracy International 10rd AICS mags ($300 retail and never used)
- One Bergara (Magpul) 5rd mag
- Terminator TA brake ($270 retail), which is what allowed me to shoot this two consecutive full days in an NRL match. Incredible brake from New Zealand.
- Warne rail- Bergara Premier LA Mountain Tech Tactical Rail 8-40, 20MOA ($75 retail)
- I will ship the rifle to your FFL at your expense. The mags, brake and rail will ship separately.
- I will NOT ship the ammo. It is local pickup only.
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